Michael McDonough Profile picture
Chief Economist, Financial Products at Bloomberg LP (*ECAN Mastermind) mmcdonough10@bloomberg.net *views are my own*

Nov 15, 2021, 10 tweets

Quick Look at Inflation & Drivers From Around the World (1/10)

(2/10) U.S. CPI YoY%

(3/10) Eurozone HICP YoY%

(4/10) U.K. CPI YoY%

(5/10) Japan CPI YoY%

(6/10) Brazil IPCA YoY%

(7/10) France HICP YoY%

(8/10) Germany HICP YoY%

(9/10) Italy HICP YoY%

(10/10) Spain HICP YoY%

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