Vijay Patel🇮🇳 Profile picture
Bharat First 🇮🇳| Bhakt Of Mahadev⛰️ | Proud Hindu | Activist | Investigative Reporter 🕵️| Son of Farmer🌾 | Founder @onlyfactindia |

Nov 16, 2021, 8 tweets


Let me show you how Narendra Modi Ji has destroyed the Somanath Mahadev Ji temple, just like what he wants to do with the Kashi Mahadev Ji temple also!

1. Before After

2. Before After

3. Before After

4. Before After

5. Before After

6. Before After

7. Before After

8. If you have ever visited Somnath Mahdevaji Temple, you can share your old or new photos in the comments!

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