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Nov 16, 2021, 9 tweets

@carolecadwalla Banque Haviland (is David Rowland's personal family bank - he has close ties to the ruler of the UAE they "call him the boss" - @AVMikhailova @bylinetimes…
his bank helped orchestrate an attack on Qatar…

@carolecadwalla @AVMikhailova @BylineTimes Paying the Tory Party a blob of cash - there are MANY ways - Rowland - among CMEC donors

@carolecadwalla @AVMikhailova @BylineTimes Rowland - in 2 Tweets gives half a million to CMEC along with countless Arab state donors

@carolecadwalla @AVMikhailova @BylineTimes When cash sloshes around what did the Rowlands get?

@carolecadwalla @AVMikhailova @BylineTimes Mubadala Investments been working with Putin since 2013 on around 40 joint schemes inc nuclear training, facial technology etc - and they poured cash ibto Rowland's bank

@carolecadwalla @AVMikhailova @BylineTimes Oh I forgot his interest in North Korean sovereign investment funds with the help of the sweaty Prince…

@carolecadwalla @AVMikhailova @BylineTimes David Rowland tried to shine in Belarusia as well - noted now for their attempts to use migrants as weapon against the EU…

@carolecadwalla @AVMikhailova @BylineTimes Mustn't forget the sweaty Prince and Rowland in

"Azerbaijan ties add to Prince Andrew’s woes"…

@carolecadwalla @AVMikhailova @BylineTimes And finally Banque Haviland's UAE "boss" and their connection to the Russian Direct Investment Fund

... Legatum has a base where? The birth of GBeebies came on back of Andrew Neil'sconnections - where?…

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