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Full time degen. Head of @mETHProtocol @0xMantle Maxi Advisor @Ranger_Finance All views are my own and not financial advice.

Nov 16, 2021, 13 tweets

So market broke down and you are panicking?

Learn how to hedge your positions in the $LUNA ecosystem.

$LUNA gives you the tools to profit regardless of market conditions.

Lets dive in.


1. @anchor_protocol

The easiest and probably most obvious way to hedge your portfolio.

Hold $UST and deposit it in @anchor_protocol .

Your $UST turns into $aUST and automatically compounds to earn 19.5% APR regardless of market conditions.

Simple. Easy. Boomer Proof.

2. @mirror_protocol mAssets LP

Not a stable coin hedge but allows you to apportion your portfolio to assets like $mARKK or $mGOOGL that are independent of crypto prices.

Add the mAssets to $UST LPs and earn 22% ~ 44% APR

I personally use the $mGLXY - $UST LP 😉

3. $MIR Delta Neutral Strategy

Use $aUST to perform Delta Neutral Strategies on @mirror_protocol

More details can be found on a @TerraBitesPod vod:

TLDR : Deposit $UST and hold both long n short positions while farming $MIR. 😉

4. @TeamKujira Liquidation bidding

Use your $UST in Orca to bid on liquidated positions at a discount.

Accounts are liquidated in accordance to the lowest premium available.

Bull market - $UST holds value
Bear market - Feed off Liquidated positions.

5. @Pylon_protocol Lossless Pools

Add $UST into IDO pools and farm tokens at no cost to your capital.

Your $UST will be vested but IDO tokens will unvest at half your vesting period.

I'm personally waiting for $NEB , $PRISM , $KUJI & $WHALE Pools

6. $MIM #Degenbox strategy

Basically uses $UST to mint $MIM on $ETH Network

Im not a fan of this strategy due to $ETH fees but i strongly believe that we will see $MIM on @terra_money soon enough.

Once that happens, $UST - $MIM LP would be interesting.

Thats about it.

6 different ways to hedge your portfolio and prepare for bear markets.

That should be sufficient right?

Wait, you want more? 😏

Fine, lets check out upcoming protocols that will allow us to further hedge against the awful bear


Split your yield bearing tokens up into two separate tokens - Yield Token + Principal.

Think a bear is coming? Sell your $pLUNA while keeping your $yLUNA for yields.

This reduces your exposure to price fluctuations while still providing you the sweet staking gains


Deposit $UST into the @WhiteWhaleTerra Vaults.

During lull periods, $UST is accruing yield on @anchor_protocol

During market volatility, $UST is used to monetize arbitrage opportunities across $UST , $bLUNA and mAssets while helping them maintain peg. 😉

9. $NEB

Create dynamic ETFs (clusters) that automatically diversify risk across multiple assets.

Dynamic ETFs also allow asset weightages to be adjusted to suit market conditions.

ie. ETFs can automatically increase $UST weightage during bear markets w the right parameters

These methods are just the tip of the iceberg for the $LUNA ecosystem.

Explore the protocols and learn how to utilize the #DeFi elements to the fullest.

Unlike $aUST, markets will never be "only up"

A hedged position allows you to #BTFD & stack your $LUNA during dips

Stay grounded and prepare for market volatility

No matter bear or bull, we can all make it as long as we play it smart.

GLHF my fellow #Lunatics.

See you on the moon.


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