David Hamer 🇨🇦🇺🇦🇨🇦 Profile picture
Happily retired after 35 years at the Bar. Husband to one, Dad to two, and Grandfather to four. (Ontario & Merton, 1974)

Nov 16, 2021, 9 tweets

Hi, @AnneMarieOwens.
Just thought I’d let you know why one of your customers is cancelling his subscription to the @TorontoStar today.
Short version: being called idiotic by your reporter, Althia Raj, for a mildly critical tweet this morning.
Longer version in the following 🧵…

It starts with my tweet about current defensiveness amongst @cdnmedia in general (not directed to Ms Raj personally at all):

Right after posting that, up pops Ms Raj’s (unrelated), rather condescending tweet effectively setting out an ultimatum for the terms on which she’ll stay on Twitter:

QThat was so à propos my own comment, I followed up with this:

To which Ms Raj delivers this highly professional reply:

And our conversation ends thus, just before she blocks me:

Astonishing, really, the contempt in which one of your journalists holds your readers. And she’s not alone amongst your #cdnmedia colleagues. Others, in fairness, know that strenuous criticism comes with the job (not excusing vile abuse) - eg @acoyne, @JohnIbbitson, @RobynUrback

and many others.
Frankly, your Ms Raj needs to grow up a bit.
Meanwhile, my final thought on this:
Have a great day.

PS: just called the @TorontoStar to cancel, and they want $106 to allow me to do so.
So, they call their customer an idiot, and then want to charge him big bucks to get rid of them 🤷🏼🤔🧐🙄😒🤷🏼

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