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The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)

Nov 16, 2021, 15 tweets

oh yeah, here comes the good stuff

Needless to say, this video is about the mythical video "frazzledrip" that purports to show unspeakable acts. A video that, according to this guy (who so far is just reading Anonymous forum posts out loud), has conveniently killed nearly everyone who has watched it.

Oh good grief, he's including the "red face" art stuff

oh you know it buddy, can't wait for the Abnegation album cover or the Scarlett Keeling crime scene photos

called it

uh huh

how long do you figure it'll take me to find this

this story is legit amazeballs and I cannot seem to find its source

why can't I find this anywhere

I am very upset that even on Duck Duck Go none of this text returns a hit.

Anyway frazzledrip is bullshit and always has been

this is like looking for bigfoot, except searching for bigfoot on /pol/ gets thousands of hits

seriously, this is the ONLY part of this video I haven't seen a hundred times before. it is the single new thing. and I can't find it anywhere.

yes! 100% these are two of the same screencaps used in the video

okay so the screencaps in the Telegram video are simply tacked onto this existing video from May, increasing the video length by 2 minutes

oh, come ON

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