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paranoia's the garlic in life's kitchen, right, you can never have too much https://t.co/NRwx2C1SMc https://t.co/T6qf7YvR9P

Nov 16, 2021, 10 tweets

the end of the story of the Patagonian Revolution, and while #12 was terrible and depressing, this one's mostly funny and entertaining

again, here's Colonel Varela, the mass murderer

again, here's President Hipólito Yrigoyen

Antonio de Tomaso, the socialist Congressman who attacked Varela and the massacres in Congress

I wonder if there are any parallels with the US?

Kurt Gustav Wilckens, who [redacted] Colonel Varela

Jorge Ernesto Pérez Millán Temperley, who [redacted]

Esteban Lucich, who [redacted]

Boris Wladimirovich, White Russian, aristocrat who married a prole and renounced his title/fortune, a doctor and biologist, authored three books of sociology, was fluent in German, French, Russian, and Spanish. Vladimirovich was also an avant-garde painter.

seriously, it's a crazy, crazy story. check it out!

also, there's a film, and especially Bayer's book is phenomenal

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