Thomas Reiner Profile picture
Partner at Altimeter Capital, Northeastern alum, curious on all things gaming and online travel. Views are my own, no investment advice

Nov 16, 2021, 12 tweets

1/ Incredibly impressed with what @DavidBaszucki & the team at $RBLX presented at their investor day today. The pace of development on the platform is absolutely mind blowing. Some of the things they're working on:

2/ Better engine/tech/tools to help create content for older users @mbronstein

3/ An updated avatar system with full UGC capability, layered clothing, AI reactive movement, and dynamic heads

4/ Opt-in facial tracking combined with voice communication providing not just lip syncing but eyebrow movement, head nodding, and other non-verbal cues to facilitate real communication. @maheshramas

5/ In-game immersive advertisements for branded experiences with hyper-accurate attribution. @intheheights #blockparty

6/ Real world commerce: You bought your avatar Van's shoes using Robux, in the future you can use Robux to buy physical Van's shoes shipped to your door. $RBLX can be a primary channel for brands. @kavitakanetkar

7/ Expanded virtual ownership beyond just avatars, clothing and accessories (think furniture, pets, and vehicles that can travel with you across experiences) @3nricoD

8/ Educational experiences and partnership such as with @FilamentGames and @museumofscience to teach kids about a mission to mars

9/ More immersive music events, experiences, concerts, launch parties, and listening parties (@LilNasX #verch sales are almost $10m to date) @vlasso

10/ Infrastructure investments that allow bigger, faster, and more scalable experiences and events.

11/ The Roblox Open Cloud facilitating easy, scalable, and collaborative development of experiences. @SeraBLOX

12/ And market penetration still in the early stages, especially internationally @craigoodle

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