rosie 🃏 Profile picture
日本語 • AU writer • Bi • ESFP • ⚖️ • Married •🃏• backup: @meandomjimin

Nov 17, 2021, 69 tweets

『why don’t they just confess』

Jungkook is obsessed with Jimin’s lips. 🥵
it takes him a long time to make it clear, but then again, Jimin is very oblivious.

Everyone else suffers.

• Jikook
• Short and dumb
• They all live together
• did I mention it’s dumb?
• nobody is good at flirting
• bro, dude, homie (homoerotically spoken)
• light nsfw 🔞
• there are an awful lot of pics of Jimin’s lips in this, beware

1. is it normal

2. the morning after

3. this is about me

4. nice lips bro

5. you’ve got them

6. ice cool

7. he said ice cool

8. 😏👉🏼

9. Terrific

10. this is their best

11. Objectively speaking

12. if you think about it

13. yeah. Kissing.

14. if we weren’t friends bro

15. 🔞 I would

16. bro

17. Lucky for us

18. it’s distant, but pleasant to the ears

19. a day after

20. Don’t forget it

21. Some might say

22. Dude, we can hear you

23. homie 😩💪🏼🤞🏽🤞🏽

24. what an idea!

25. You’ve got some nice ti-

26. everyone has a chest

27. Best friend privilege

28. just wondering

29. True Friendship

30. Pinnacle of friendship

31. pure

32. goals

33. Keep it pg-13

34. As what

35. acquainted

36. he is not here

37. forbidden word

38. Platonically

39. FWB

40. Fix this mess

41. Funny you say that

42. might be wrong but what do I know

43. you raised them

44. it’s your fav disasters

45. well…

46. why did u go

47. Weather nice

48. spell it out

49. Exchange

50. enemies

51. re-enacting

52. roleplaying

53. 🔞 (I think they’re h word)

54. 🔞 enemies wouldn’t

55. there is no hope

56. mind your business

57. No waaaaay

58. they do

59. getting there

60. very slowly getting there

61. copy and paste this

62. came all the way from cleavage

63. Almost the end

64. bonus takes

65. Next problem

66. The End

thank you for reading! It was short but it was good fun 🥰
I had a great time seeing everyone suffer and laugh, thank you for all the hilarious and sweet comments!!

without you to read, writing would be so different, so really thank you 💕

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