Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Nov 18, 2021, 5 tweets

Joy Reid goes FULL Stephanie Ruhle: "So, Republicans want you to believe the economy isn't doing well, that's terrible. But, in reality, unemployment is at its lowest point since the pandemic began. Prices are higher...but Americans are spending a record amount of money"

Joy Reid: A "lack of confidence has translated into a drop in Biden's approval rating...b/c Republicans are seizing on inflation & blaming Joe Biden for it...which is a fun twist after Republicans & Trump maxed out the national credit card on tax cuts for the super rich" & a wall

Citing a Ron Klain tweet that the economy is great and the Build Back Better plan will make it even better, Joy Reid tells Elizabeth Warren that "[t]he economy isn't bad" and then chastises "people" for being "mad because everything is late and things cost more."

Reid: “[W]hat [GOPers] say has nothing to do with reality b/c they just want to get back in power, so I...set them aside, but I'm glad you said the way you did b/c here's the thing. People are frustrated b/c of the supply chain issues,” but then adds they won’t if BBB passes

Joy Reid on gas prices: "[P]eople are really upset about gas prices, but people weren't driving for a yr & somehow, gas prices still went up. There have been some calls to investigate these oil companies b/c also, they don't really like [BBB]...b/c it deals with their issues"

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