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Nov 18, 2021, 9 tweets

Interim report released by Special Counsel Michael J.
Gableman raises “serious and legitimate questions that the certification of Wisconsin’s election results may have been undertaken in an unlawful and unconstitutional manner.”


Gableman has evidence that “Democracy in the Park” events in Madison to collect ballots violated the law

“...calling into question the validity of over 17,000 absentee ballots.”

Special Counsel has evidence of “undue influence by well-funded private groups, who leveraged large grants to certain Wisconsin cities in order to co-opt our election apparatus to their benefit.”

Facebook CEO funnelled $8+ million to Dem cities to “increase turnout” for Biden

A group engaged in “selective targeting of voters” by “recommending ballot ‘drop boxes’ in certain locations, but not others, a violation of Wisconsin Stat. § 6.855.”

Internal emails from election officials in Green Bay revealed Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, a former Democratic Party operative, served as a “de facto elections administrator and had access to Green Bay’s absentee ballots days before the election.”…

Special Counsel has evidence he “was entrusted with only sets of physical keys to the city’s central count location, managed transportation of ballots, and instructed counting of unlawful ballots that had arrived at central count location beyond the lawful time window.”

Special Counsel notes “Exploitation of Elders” occurred in nursing homes after the Wisconsin Election Commission instructed the state to violate the law when it barred Special Voting Deputies from entering facilities, leading to widespread fraud

The report confirms at least 17.5% of election clerks “were not properly trained.”

Clerks “suggested they themselves do not know precisely how the voting machines work.”

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