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Write on business with @workweekinc. Co-host @niapodcast. Building an AI research app:

Nov 18, 2021, 14 tweets

"The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel is the book I've re-read the most in recent years.

Packed with insights on investing, mindset and our relationship with money. Very valuable with the current pace of markets.

Here are 8 takeaways 🧵

1/ For financial success, psychology is more important than smarts

2/ Ultimate prize = controlling your time

3/ Being rich vs. being wealthy

4/ Volatility is the price you pay for higher returns

5/ Buffett's skill is investing, but his secret is time

6/ The best financial heuristic = "can I sleep at night"

7/ You only need a *few big wins* to succeed

8/ It's crucial to define your investing goals

9/ If you enjoyed that, I write threads breaking down tech and business 1-2x a week.

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11/ Finally, if you haven't read "The Psychology of Money" yet, def do it. The book's a short read (<200 pages) and drops fire on every page.…

12/ Here's a good insight on the value of a having a cash cushion

13/ Last one: The skills for making money vs. keeping money are very different

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