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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Nov 18, 2021, 5 tweets

DOOCY TIME (from earlier): "Grim milestone this week. More than 100,000 people died of drug overdoses in the last year. Experts say that a lot of that is driven by fentanyl. which is coming across the southern border...Why isn't the administration doing more to stop" them?

Doocy: "American intel agencies have told the President they cannot track Covid's origins without China's help. [He] had a chance to ask for China's help. Why didn't he?"

Psaki: "Well, I would say that [Biden's] push for the Chinese to participate more...We've never held back."

Doocy: "You talked about the importance of transparency, but did he ask President Xi to cooperate specifically with this U.S. Intel-agency led investigation into the origins of covid?"

Psaki: "Peter, clear that's what we we want...I don't have any more to read out for you[.]"

Doocy: "You're saying it's clear...Is it clear to somebody who has a zoom meeting with the president that that's what he means when that's not what he said?"

Psaki: "I think the President has spoken publicly on this a number of times[.]"

Doocy: "Are [President Biden and President Xi] old friends or not? B/c the President has claimed that they're not, you've claim they're not, but then President Xi said that they are."

Psaki: "The president didn't say that." (5/5)

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