UNICORN RIOT Profile picture
Official Account ~ UR is a decentralized nonprofit media org reporting underrepresented stories and shedding light on alternative perspectives and systems.

Nov 19, 2021, 8 tweets

WOW! 🤩We are now up to $1,520 of our goal of $6,800! Ya'll ROCK! Thank you for your support as we continue to engage and amplify the stories of social and environmental struggles from the ground up! #GTMD21
Join our community of supporters today: givemn.org/organization/U…

In the last hour and half, we received $475 in donations - bringing us to $1,995! We're at 29% of our goal - Thank YOU ALL! Each donation gets us extra chances to win @givemn's #GoldenTicket! #GTMD21 givemn.org/organization/U…

Thanks so much to the supporter who just threw down $500! We're now at $2,495 raised! #GTMD21 🥰🦄givemn.org/organization/U…

We've hit the 40% mark! Thanks to everyone who has donated! YOU keep us going! Our media is led by the people, not corporate or state interest. #GTMD21 #GiveToTheMaxDay givemn.org/organization/U…

We're nearing the 75% mark!! Help us eclipse $5K and beyond in this next half hour during #GTMD21 --> givemn.org/organization/U…

Thanks to the last three donors we're past $5K -- Our original goal is $6,800 for each year and month we've been in operation --> Help us reach that here: givemn.org/organization/U…

Two more donations! Thank you!! A few minutes left of the official #GTMD21 - Donate here: givemn.org/organization/U…

Thank YOU to everyone for viewing our media, sharing our tweets and posts, and for the $5,391 donated during #GTMD21!!

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