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Nov 19, 2021, 11 tweets

I avoided responding to replies,that picked up on one part of PM @narendramodi ‘s 2019 Kashi speech while ignoring others tweeted.But give this reply by @bhAratenduH bhaiya;it pains me to say that his quoted tweet reeks of both-his intellectual arrogance & intellectual dishonesty

So @bhAratenduH bhaiya, why I call this quoted reply of yours to one part of PM @narendramodi ‘s Kashi corridor foundation laying speech of Mar 10,2019, an example of ur intellectual arrogance & dishonesty is because - I tweeted 5 tweets about that speech but u picked up on 4th!

Dear @bhAratenduH bhaiya, I tweeted speech parts as below in that order:

(full link)

(u picked on this part)

But u picked up on 4th out of 5th!

Dear @bhAratenduH bhaiya u r a scholar & interpret our religious book-can u claim to tweet entire Saar of SriMadBhagwadGita just by reading a mantra/chapter or for that matter of any other religious text & Im NOT comparing speech with religious text-taking abt scholarly approach!

Dear @bhAratenduH bhaiya this 1st tweet gave link of PM @narendramodi’s speech-ideally a scholar like u,shud have, listened to the source, before concluding what u concluded. But fsct that u didn’t proves either or both of two- ur intellectually arrogance & dishonesty

Dear @bhAratenduH bhaiya this is how PM @narendramodi began his speech on 8th March 2019- day of foundation laying ceremony of Kashi Vishwanath Corridor project - I removed part, which he spoke in local dialect - full link 21:03 mins onwards.

Dear @bhAratenduH next part of PM @narendramodi ‘s speech was in local dialect and then he moved to this part where he talked about his previous visits and especially the part where he thanked Baba for opportunity by saying Baba must have said: “बेटे बोलते बहुत हो अब कर के दिखाओ”

Bhaiya @bhAratenduH jee, no PM @narendramodi did NOT act or said anything out of arrogance-hear pl until u realise the is no reason for giving the gyan that u gave-Infact u need to “आत्मसात्” that gyan within u to rid urself of intellectual arrogance n dishonesty in this matter!

After this PM @narendramodi spoke of how the temple compound had to be expanded be removing 300+ homes hiding ancient temples inside - he said this > and what is quoted below abt how this temple site was attacked repeatedly by enemies

PM @narendramodi thanked officers & residents who parted with their properties - @bhAratenduH bhaiya aapki apni intellectual arrogance & intellectual dishonesty mein aapko doosre ki arrogance kahan se nazar aa gaee? Request u again,pl listen to full speech

Lastly @bhAratenduH bhaiya I truly respect u as one of the finest scholars from our side. I urge you to revisit that quoted tweet of urs; since u quoted me, I had exercised my right to counter u- pls imbibe suggested spirit within u as well.

Sincere apologies for this reply!

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