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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Nov 19, 2021, 7 tweets

Joy Reid: Dems are the only respectable people b/c they're "the responsible parent telling you to be decent to people who are different from you," "take care of the Earth," "don't threaten to kill people," & "pass things like health care & roads & bridges & food for" the needy.

Joy Reid opens the show with more venom, saying GOPers are "the YOLO parent" who don't want people to have health care & "whose answer to anything and everything is to scream about the border and, 'the scary Brown people are taking over America and meh, and history is mean.'"

Joy Reid: Dems must keep power forever or risk the "drunk, mostly absentee, Nazi-curious, authoritarian" GOP could come back even though every single one of them is a "ridiculous, embarrassing, democracy-hating, Trump-cult authoritarianism, open-racism embracing dangerous" person

Speaking to Democrat Tim Miller, Joy Reid predicts the House will see Congresspeople dying from Covid if Republicans retake the House and it's "terrifying" to her that Republicans are ever allowed to be in charge (i.e. Democrats aren't able to keep power permanently)

Joy Reid says, if the GOP takes the House, they'll "go after Adam Schiff," Ilhan Omar, The Squad, and have "fake investigations trying to impeach Joe Biden...for, you know, having a son they don't like."

She adds the only reason Clinton was impeached was "payback for Nixon."

Joy Reid frets the GOP is seen by voters as "more attractive" b/c they let people "do what you want" and "[t]hey're saying, 'go on, tell that racist joke, that's okay. Don't worry about it. You don't have to wear your mask. I know 700,000 people died. That's not your problem.'"

Again, @Comcast @MSNBCPR support this. They support rhetoric that views non-Democrats as scum of the earth incapable of good and value to anyone or worse.

Her advertisers after this -- Skyrizzi, New Chapter, Metamucil, Showtime, SimpliSafe, P&G, Applebee's, Medicare Help Line

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