Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 Profile picture
Father of two girls. Traveling the world to expose gender ideology and why children cannot consent to medical transition. Donate:

Nov 19, 2021, 6 tweets

Transgender doctors warn about gender-affirmative care for youth.…

One of the "sloppy" things she says she's witnessed is providers "believing that the gender-affirmative approach is simply taking what the children say and running with it."

Indeed. Let’s stop blindly accepting a child’s self diagnosis as being the other sex, please.

Puberty blockers “have not been licensed for use in children with gender dysphoria, so such use is off-label.”

“For a girl (female) who wants to transition to male (FTM), that would be lifelong testosterone.”

Lifelong testosterone. For ever. What a financial blessing for the pharmaceutical company.

Sterilization of children is very profitable.

"To simply act as if a child is a reliable reporter about this area but not nearly every other area is preposterous," she explains.

The President-Elect of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health is “not a fan” of puberty blockers for young children.

Stop the child abuse!

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