Bex Ollerton Profile picture
(She/her) Eisner nominated! Comics about ADHD, autism and mental health ✦ Author of Lavender Clouds and SENSORY: Life on the Spectrum ✦ Rep'd by @Literary_tara

Nov 19, 2021, 19 tweets

What's the difference between ADHD and autism? How are they similar? What's it like to be both an ADHDer and autistic at the same time? Let's dig in! #cosmictakeover (1/12)

First, a quick technical introduction (2/12)

Diagnostic criteria for ADHD (3/12)

Diagnostic criteria for Autism (4/12)

Overlapping traits of ADHD and autism! (5/12)

Why is it so hard to understand the link between ADHD and autism? (6/12)

Science! (7/12)

Controversies surrounding the link between ADHD and autism (8/12)

The subtle differences between ADHD and autism (9/12)

The combination experience!! (10/12)

Keep sharing your experiences, and stop gatekeeping when you see it happening <3


*holy moly* this was the most challenging comic I've ever made!!!!! I spent so long reading studies and asking people what their experiences were and I hope that the comic is informative and maybe helpful to some people haha :>

If you enjoyed it, feel free to toss a coin to your friendly neighbourhood comic artist whomst is very tired xD

If you're interested in learning more about ADHD, check out the #cosmictakeover for dozens more comics! Thank you so much @ADHD_Alien for getting us all together and organising this 💛

All Cosmic Takeover comics in one thread:

If you'd like to read more comics about autism, check out the #asdcomictakeover !! I don't have all the comics in one thread but the tag is pretty tidy :3

Oh sorry, one more thing 😅 if you're seeing my comics for the first time, I post new (MUCH SHORTER) comics about Autism, ADHD and mental health twice a week (unless I'm overwhelmed or I forget) so if that is of interest to u consider following me haha :3

Waow I'm so glad that this is resonating with so many of you!!! I just wanted to quickly address a few things that keep coming up:

1. Feel free to show this to your psych, therapist, parent, teacher, friend, child etc etc!

2. In the Venn diagram, left is ADHD, right is autism

3. I'm sorry it's so long!! I know a few of you have struggled but I felt like I couldn't cut anything and make it shorter (trust me, if I could have drawn less than 11 pages I Would Have 😅)

4. I put x/12 in the thread because the 12th part of the comic is the alt text :3

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