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Independent investor. Concentrated portfolio in high-quality companies with ethical, competent management. Accidental fungus baron.

Nov 19, 2021, 6 tweets

From Stats🇨🇦 weekly death counts by cause of death:

In Ontario, AB and BC, "Ill-defined & unspecified causes of death" have been rising in sync with C19 vaccine dose administration.

NOTE: correlation only (but troubling). @PublicHealthON should investigate possible causation👇

Here is Alberta (cc: @AHS_media):

Here is BC. Less pronounced than Ontario and Alberta. Note: a large spike of deaths (600) was removed for the week ending July 3rd, 2021 as these may have been heat-wave related (same week).

I stress the above only suggests correlation and not necessarily causation. Causation should be investigated as correlations are troubling. Death counts are provisional & subject to change. Other provinces don't have material deaths in this category. Full '17-21 death data:

This analysis was inspired by @Milhouse_Van_Ho's great work today analyzing the same StatsCan data on all-cause mortality by cause of death. Note the 2021 increase in "ill-defined and unspecified causes of death".


StatsCan uses the WHO definition of "Other ill-defined and unspecified deaths", here:…

StatsCan provisional deaths dataset:…

Ontario Vax Data:…

AB/BC Vax Data:…

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