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Ran for US Senate-UT. America 1st. MAGLA-Make American Government Local Again. Repeal 16th/17th/19th/26th, Reapportionment Act of 1929 & Immigration Act of 1965

Nov 20, 2021, 32 tweets

1. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

#KyleRittenhouse #KyleRittenhouseIsInnocent

2. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Jerry Nadler & Merrick Garland

3. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Alan Dershowitz

4. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Robert Reich

5. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

New York Times

6. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

The Nation

7. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Public Citizen

8. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Black Rifle Coffee Company

9. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

This clown Tony Posnanski

10. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

"Pulitzer Prize Finalist" Rebecca Makkai

11. 1 of the reasons the MSM has relentlessly attacked Kyle Rittenhouse nor told you about the Judeo-ethnic component of this whole affair is this: their own fierce racial tribalism & in-group preference.

They protect their own & then tell you it's about "muh White Supremacy."

12. Even "The Right" won't tell you about this important judeo-ethnic component of the Kyle Rittenhouse affair--instead settling for only the safe portion of the narrative "Muh Left wanna take yer gunz."

Is that *really* all there is to this Pavlovian-level Rittenhouse hatred?🤔

13. Fact is, Antifa was always a Jewish invention, and it's little wonder that when Kyle Rittenhouse fired multiple times into the angry mob in self-defense, all he hit was J€₩$.

14. Literally as I compose this tweet, there's video coverage of a massive march in protest of Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal--in Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn. Nowhere near Kenosha. Why Brooklyn, of all places?

15. "By any measure, Brooklyn is the most Jewish place in America."


16. So I ask you, what's driving the continuous, visceral hatred & lies about Kyle Rittenhouse? Is it really just a "mob" of "Lefty randos," or is there a fiercely J€₩i$h tribal component to this as well?

#KyleRittenhouseIsInnocent #FreeKyle

17. "Hey Siri, how many J€₩$ are marching in Brooklyn tonight against Kyle Rittenhouse?"


18. "Pr✡️testers"

19. They really hate it when you notice, don't they?

Off-the-charts projection here since it's the Js who seem to have the problem w/Kyle Rittenhouse.

20. Now he's in my DMs. 😂

21. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

David Rothschild

22. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Ariel Gold

23. In case you doubt the J€₩i$H-ANTIFA connection, please allow these J3wish media outlets to remove all your doubt:

24. The original, 1st shooter that night: Joshua Zaminski. Wanna venture a guess as to his religio-ethnicity? 🤔

25. Why are leftist J3wish media voices framing this whole Rittenhouse narrative in the context of White Supremacy? Why do they hate him?

Why do right-leaning media call the rioters "White guys?"

Why is everyone hiding, or not discussing, the J3wish component?


26. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Mark Feinberg

"Poor White People"

27. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Loser Jon Rappoport

28. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

"Brooklynite" Morgan J. Freeman has a few unfriendly feelings towards Kyle Rittenhouse:

29. "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Here, Howard Lovy lets the truth slip--the Rittenhouse verdict puts "the J€₩$" in danger of being murdered by more "White Supremacists."

How much low-key "victimhood," gaslighting, projection & anti-White bigotry can you cram into a tweet? 👇

30. NEW ADDITION! "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"


31. NEW ADDITION! "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

Remember when the ADL referred to Kyle Rittenhouse as a murderer & to you as a right-wing extremist for supporting him? The ADL never tweeted anything to its followers after Rittenhouse was exonerated, to set the record straight and complete. #BanTheADL

32. NEW ADDITION "J€₩$ posting Ls Online"

"We are also profoundly concerned that this verdict is being cheered by white supremacists as a victory for their movement" - Milwaukee j-sh Federation

Every accusation is a confession: It is J-ish supremacy that can't stand that Kyle acted against their boys.…

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