Sam Parker-ucas Gage🇺🇲 Profile picture
Ran for US Senate-UT. America 1st. MAGLA-Make American Government Local Again. Repeal 16th/17th/19th/26th, Reapportionment Act of 1929 & Immigration Act of 1965
Lee Rogers Profile picture fche Profile picture Happy Warrior Profile picture Ava Profile picture Straya Mate Profile picture 17 subscribed
Sep 2 7 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ 🇮🇱 Anna Khait just blocked me for saying that the IDF was responsible for killing those 6 Israeli prisoners. (I'm currently still ratio'ing her)

Reminds me of when Dan Bongino blocked me for saying there were no mass rapes.

Israel First shills are so weak. But there is more to this story. Read on.Image
🧵2/ Anna Khait was originally recruited as a GOP operative from a website called "Explore Talent," owned & run by an Israeli pornographer named Ami Shafrir. Image
Aug 28 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵🇮🇱🇵🇸 Germany supposedly used "THE BIG LIE"

The decent jew asks for space on a park bench, and then pushes the current occupant out.

Was this a lie? 12 years before the Nakba.Image 🧵Ah, yes, I thought that looked familiar. Image
Aug 13 7 tweets 3 min read
Jews are kvetching because the new Snow White star Rachel Zegler tweeted "Free Palestine." They're saying she's "egging" on antisemites.

More kosher theater. Rachel Zegler is jewish.

But like so many "anti-zionist" jews, she still harbors a special animus towards White people. Here Rachel Zegler calls Kyle Rittenhouse a 'racist, White supremacist murderer.' Image
Aug 8 4 tweets 2 min read
One of the Israeli soldiers who sodomized a Palestinian prisoner at Sde Teiman detention center went on Israeli Channel 14 to defend the ra pe on live TV.

He said he was very happy, that he was protecting Israel's good name and that the IDF was the world's healthiest army.

These Demons deserve the worst that Hell has to offer.Image Watch the whole video:

Jul 30 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/📺🇵🇸🇮🇱 PARALYZED: Jewish demonstrators broke into the Beit Lid Military Base and Court Complex today to protest the arrest of 9 Israelis who gang-raped a Palestinian prisoner to the point of paralysis.

This is one of the purest examples of jewish supremacy imaginable: "how dare you arrest jews for raping a Palestinian."

This is exactly the same thinking that led to the formation of the ADL in 1913: rather than let the pedophile Leo Frank go to jail and be executed for the rape & murder of Mary Phagan, his fellow jews got together and formed the ADL to defend him. (And they're still defending him to this day, btw)

111 years later and they haven't changed. Jewish supremacy must end. 🧵2/ The roots of this manifestation of their supremacy lie in their Talmudic interpretation of their scripture:

Jul 29 6 tweets 3 min read
What is "Woke?"

Wokeness is jewish culture stripped down of it’s religious particularities, secularized for the masses & scaled out.

It's fundamentally anti-White, anti-Christian & anti-patriarchy: IOW anti-Western--

because jews are anti-White, anti-Christian & anti-patriarchy: IOW anti-Western.

There's your definition of woke. White racial sensibilities & culture,
Christian morality & theology, and
European legal & familial/societal structure:

These are the intertwined tri-partite fundamental pillars of Western civilization.

Western civilization rests on them like a 3-legged stool. Attack any one of them, and the stool crashes.

That's why they're attacked. "Wokeness" is the attack vector.

Jews wield the attack vector by funding, promoting and sponsoring it.

Others have jumped on the bandwagon to participate, but it's a diabolical ideology conceived by them--first as cultural Marxism, then critical theory, then political correctness, then social justice, and now "woke."

Many names; but the same rotten, demonic thread connecting all of them.
Jul 22 14 tweets 8 min read

The thesis I have been advocating for several days is that Donald Trump was targeted because he stands in the way of "WW3," which basically consists of all-out war with Iran, and a continuation/escalation of the Ukraine-Russia war--which together would draw China into the larger conflict.

What this thread *IS*: Obviously, this thread assumes a plot beyond 1 crazy gunman. It also assumes it wasn't a staged ploy by Trump. This thread is for beginning the process of documenting & discussing those who might plausibly, possibly, or probably be involved in the Trump assassination plot in order to facilitate this larger war.

What this thread *IS NOT*: A defense of Donald Trump's domestic policies or agendas, or a promotion of other foreign policies he's advocated. Please take special note my (pro) Palestine friends: There are larger issues at hand than Gaza.

So let's get into it. Here is my list. Feel free to add to it, and to provide your commentary for each person. We're crowdsourcing this.Image 🧵2/ Benjamin Netanyahu. Prime Minister of Israel. He wants to continue the war in Gaza, hide his war crimes in Gaza, and wants to remain in power. An all-out war with Iran helps him do all of that and avoid accountability to the Israeli people who are calling for his removal and arrest. He was disloyal to Trump in 2020, and torpedoed the deal Trump tried to broker with Palestine. All out war with Iran also takes out the last significant opposition to Israeli hegemony in the ME, and paves the way for Greater Israel.Image
Jul 22 10 tweets 15 min read

Today is the anniversary of the infamous King David Hotel Bombing perpetrated by the jewish Irgun terrorist gang, led by future Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin. The "bomb" was 350 kg of TNT packed into 7 large milk canisters.

To remember this occasion, I'm posting the chapter of the book "By Blood & Fire," that chronicles the exact moments of the bombing in excrutiating blow-by-blow detail. It's Chapter 25, titled "12:27 PM - 12:40 PM."

The human cost was enormous and grisly. You've been warned. It reminds me of 9/11 and also the horror the Gazans face every single day.Image 🧵2/ Page 220: "the pressure burst the hearts, livers and lungs of the clerks working on the floor above."

Fire alarms clanged in the basement. Campbell and Hadingham rounded the corner of the service passageway and ran into the main corridor. The Regence was fifty yards straight ahead.

The acid ate through the wood plug and dripped onto the detonator at 12:37, six minutes before schedule. The explosion of the fulminate in the blasting cap lasted one twenty-five-thousandth of a second. A full second later the TNT exploded.

Three hundred and fifty kilograms of TNT became 250,000 liters of hot gas. At the center of the explosion, the gas expanded at a velocity of 160,000 MPH, heating the air to over 3,000'C. and exerting a pressure of 500,000 pounds per square inch, thirty-four thousand times normal atmospheric pressure, the pressure burst the hearts, livers and lungs of the clerks working on the floor above.

A bright orange light flashed at the end of the basement corridor, burst into flames and swept toward Campbell and Hadingham. A bang stabbed their eardrums. A wave of scorching air slammed Campbell against the wall and flung him onto the floor. Hot blackness smothered him.

Hadingham somersaulted into the air. Jagged pieces of iron pelted him, ripping his uniform and slicing wounds in his hands and arms. "I've seen this happen to my men and I've scraped up bits of bone and flesh afterward," he thought. "Now it's happening to me. In a second I'll be nothing but bloodyImage
Jul 14 10 tweets 8 min read


🟥The media will obsess over the shooter--who he is, what his party affiliation was, why he did it, etc. But he's the least important link in the chain. The conspirators will have made sure he's a dead end, or at least ambiguous enough to cause confusion and waste resources--including your attention.

The media is the conspirators' friend, not yours. Have you learned nothing over the last 8 years? While the media is "flooding the zone" with stories on the shooter and other meaningless drivel, this is the gigantic angle they're leaving out:

🟥The Downsides For The Conspirators If Trump Wins The Election

Many of you think in absolutes when it comes to Trump & Zionism--thinking that any support for zionism means complete support for zionism. This is, of course, what the jewish zionist generals want. However, it's not reality. The reality is that support for Israel is on a continuum. However, your totally-understandable hatred of Trump over his Israel support can cloud your vision of the situation if you let it.

Trump is a zionist, yes. Trump has supported Israel, yes. Trump has done much of their bidding, yes. He's moved the embassy, yes. He approved the annexation of the Golan Heights, yes. Trump visited the wall, yes. Trump supported partial annexations in the West Bank, yes. Trump has taken their money, yes. ALL TRUE.

🟥But, Trump has also signalled TWO very critical areas of non-complete support for Israel and its deep state Ne✡️con allies (these are 2 legs of the international judeo-zio mafia bent on world financial conquest). These TWO things are his red-lines, and it's where his "cooperation with zionism" ends:

1⃣He doesn't support ongoing NATO-Neocon war with Russia and has signalled willingness to make a deal with Putin.
2⃣He doesn't support escalating the Gaza conflict into war with Lebanon & Iran, and has signalled that while he broadly supports Israel, he doesn't necessarily support Netanyahu.


Broader NATO War with Russia + War with Lebanon/Iran = WW3.

Consequences: WW3 weakens the world powers (US, Europe, Russia, China), while it grants more land to the Greater Israel project and helps Israel bury the evidence of genocide in Gaza. Moreover, Russia being busy at war with Ukraine makes it harder for it to backstop Iran in a war with Israel.

Meanwhile, the world judeo-zio mafia financial empire would swoop in everywhere after this war to buy up assets cheap, as it did after the fall of the USSR. IOW, Israel and world jewry win WW3, while Gaza and the rest of the world lose. The world-wide Israeli/judeo-zio mafia would consolidate its newfound increased power in Israel.

Donald Trump stands directly in the way of this. But you won't see it if you let your Trump-hate blind you. Other leaders who stood in the way of this, like Robert Fico of Slovakia & Marine Le Pen of France, were also taken out (receipts in thread below).

🟥Quick Summary:

▶️ No WW3
▪️No war w/Iran
▪️No more war w/Russia
▪️Possible neutralization of the ne✡️cons who hate Trump
▪️No massive expansion of world judeo-zio financial empire

▶️Israel War Over Gaza Ends
▪️Bibi gets investigated
▪️Israelis remove Bibi
▪️Maybe Bibi goes to prison
▪️World leaders & journalists go into Israel and investigate/discover the magnitude of the Gaza genocide (Currently estimated by Lancet at 186,000 civilian casualties), which could threaten to end the Zionist terror project.
▪️No 3rd Temple
▪️No seat for the worldwide judeo-zio empire

The end of neocons + the end of israel would be nearly catastrophic to the "deep state" in the United States, as well, which is basically a coalition of Israel-First jews, jewish neocons, open-society communist jews, jewish financial interests (think Blackrock), and other non-jewish Israel-Firsters, warmongering neocons & deep-state enablers like Lindsay Graham, Nikki Haley and the infiltrated intelligence agencies.

IOW, if Donald Trump is successfully elected and pursues his preferred policies, we might get a little World Peace and Gaza might get a little justice. At least there's the possibility!

(cont) 🧵Trump doesn't support Netanyahu

Again, don't confuse support for Israel with support for Netanyahu. Netanyahu is an important nexus for the conspirators as we'll see later in this thread.

Jul 14 5 tweets 3 min read
🇺🇸 🇮🇱 If the conspiracy to assassinate Donald Trump had come from the Left, as is being feverishly promoted, they'd have waited until *AFTER* the GOP convention in 2 days for maximum disarray.

Therefore, this attempt came from "The Right," in order to *avoid* disarray by getting someone new at the convention.

Now look at Alejandro May✡️orkas's Secret Service approvals:

❌ Trump has repeatedly asked for more Secret Service: DENIED
❌ RFK Jr. has asked for Secret Service protection: DENIED
✅ Nikki Haley asked for Secret Service protection: APPROVED

▪️Trump wants to end Ukraine/Russia
▪️Trump wants to prevent Lebanon/Iran
▪️Trump is against West Bank annexation

▶️ IOW, Trump wants to avoid "WW3" (NATO vs. Russia-China-Iran)
▶️ WW3 gives Israel everything it wants (The land for Greater Israel, while covering up the 200-300k genocide deaths in Gaza)

❓Who will give us WW3 & give Israel everything it wants? 🇫🇷 This is also why they had to take out Le Pen:

▪️Le Pen also wanted to withdraw from Ukraine-Russia and seek peace.
▪️Le Pen never said Israel had the right to defend itself.
▪️Le Pen's father was branded an "antisemite."

Le Pen is a France-First nationalist who wants to stop the immigration invasion and the wars.

Israel can't have that. So they formed a coalition of left-wing open society communists & center-righters to beat her.

Now they're waging lawfare against her, just like they've been doing to Donald Trump.
Jul 6 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵>"Not everyone who claims to be fighting for Christianity is actually fighting for it."

Correct. Some are actually fighting for jews and Israel. Like Seth Dillon.

✡️ Here, Seth Dillon gatekeeps who can proclaim "Christ is King," and when.
✡️ He insinuates that Christians worship a jew, a common antichristian talking point. Christ is God.
✡️ He adroitly sidesteps the connections between judaism & the transgender movement. (look up Magnus Hirschfeld and see next tweet).

Seth Dillon's "Babylon Bee" (named after the city that was refuge for money-changing talmudist jews after they revolted from Rome) regularly pokes fun at Christians & Christianity, but absolutely never pokes fun at jews or judaism.Image 🧵 Jews & transgender activism: connecting the dots
Jun 14 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵 1/ Guys, I'm starting to think Charlie Kirk might be....

🧵2/ 🧐

Jun 5 5 tweets 3 min read
🧵🇺🇸 1/ Just after midnight, June 5th, 1968: Robert F. Kennedy had just won the California primary & was the frontrunner for the Democrat party nominee for president. He gave a victory speech at the Ambassador Hotel and then exited through the hotel pantry, where assassins were waiting to kill him.

Here's the full coverage of his victory celebration & speech, along with the news coverage of the shooting. 🧵2/ The 24-year old Palestinian Christian, Sirhan Sirhan, shot at Kennedy but missed. The crime was nevertheless pinned on him and framed as an "anti-zionist" revenge killing for the 1967 war.

Even RFK Jr. acknowledges Sirhan didn't kill his dad. The cover up is still in force.Image
May 31 4 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ Michael Savage said Hitler killed a million jewish children & that Stalin killed twice as many children as Hitler in the Ukraine alone. So, I asked him what kind of children Stalin killed. When someone else answered "Christian," Savage hid the response & went on to call me a child-murdering Stalinist for implying that it was jews who masterminded the killing.

Why would he hide the identity of the murdered children & then call me a child-murdering Stalinist? Read on.Image 🧵2/ Here are the men under Stalin responsible for so much of the killing and death under Stalin:

"The Jewish Potentates Of Russia"
Genrikh Yagoda
Semyon Firin
Lazar Kaganovich
Kagan Image
May 22 5 tweets 5 min read

Certain parties over the years have worked hard to advance the idea that the CIA killed JFK. Let's look at a few, starting with the biggest:

1⃣The Movie JFK (1991), written by Oliver Stone (✡️) & Zachary Sklar (✡️), produced by Arnon Milchan (✡️), directed by Stone. The movie is based on New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's trial charging Clay Shaw with participation in the JFK assassination conspiracy. The movie's main thesis is that the CIA was behind the assassination and principally benefitted the "Military-Industrial Complex." It named various mobsters, organizations, and institutions--except for one--that we will now explore.

Garrison had stumbled upon an Israeli/Mossad connection in Shaw--which he didn't know at the time, but was discovered later. The movie didn't mention these connections at all:

Shaw served on the board of a shadowy corporation known as Permindex. A primary shareholder in Permindex was the Banque De Credit International of Geneva, founded by Tibor Rosenbaum (✡️), an arms procurer and financier for the Mossad (🇮🇱). This Mossad-backed Swiss bank was the main money launderer for Meyer Lansky (✡️), gangster & head of the National Crime Syndicate--and an Israeli loyalist.
The chairman of Permindex was Louis M. Bloomfield (✡️)of Montreal, a powerful player in the Israeli lobby and an operative of the Bronfman family (✡️) of Canada--long-time Lansky associates and supporters of Israel. Charles Bronfman (✡️) was the co-founder of the Mega Group, which was implicated in the Jeffrey Epstein (✡️)pedo-blackmail ring.

The Producer of JFK, Arnon Milchan (🇮🇱), was an undercover Israeli spy and international weapons trafficker for Israel's top-secret intelligence agency, Lekem. His activities included "buying components to build and maintain Israel's nuclear arsenal" and supervising "government-backed accounts and front companies that financed the special needs of the entirety of Israel's intelligence operations outside the country." Milchan helped steal & smuggle technology & materials critical to the development of Israel's nuclear weapons.

Isn't it interesting that one of Israel's top spies would produce a movie purporting to explore all the angles of the assassination of JFK but not make A SINGLE MENTION OF ISRAEL'S OWN MOTIVE OR CONNECTIONS?

Who killed JFK?Image
🧵2/ Mark Lane (Levin ✡️)

2⃣Lane has written 2 books about the JFK assassination:

▪️Rush To Judgment (1966)
▪️Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK (2011)

Rush To Judgment, a huge bestseller, was the first serious work to defend Lee Harvey Oswald, and implicate the CIA in setting LHO up as a patsy. Lane makes no mention of Israel or the Mossad. It could be argued that since this connection was unknown at the time he could be excused for not discussing it.

Last Word, however, came many years after the possible role of Israel in the assassination and its potential motives were revealed in detail. Again, Lane made zero mention of Israel or the Mossad in this book. Hardly the "last word!" Without so much as a sentence of discussion of any possible Israeli role, he doubles down hard on the CIA-did-it thesis.

Don't miss the contribution once again by Oliver Stone (✡️), who wrote a chapter on the "KGB" connection! Once again, no mention of the Mossad or Israel.

Who killed JFK?Image
May 19 4 tweets 3 min read

1st, The Sanitized Headlines:
WAPO: "Some Wealthy Americans" (They are $Billionaires)
MEE: "US Billionaires" (they're ALL jews with loyalty to Israel)

2nd, Who They Are & What They Did:
Jewish Billionaires & other jewish leaders used their money to influence politicians, media & celebrities to manipulate public opinion in favor of Israel & also used their leverage over politicians to get them to deploy law enforcement to shut down campus protests. They are

🇮🇱Ted Deutch
🇮🇱Yakir Gabay
🇮🇱Joseph Sitt
🇮🇱Bill Ackman
🇮🇱Daniel Lubetzky
🇮🇱Daniel Loeb
🇮🇱Barry Sternlicht
🇮🇱Fabien Levy
🇮🇱Len Blavatnik
🇮🇱Howard Schultz
🇮🇱Michael Dell
🇮🇱Joshua Kushner

3rd, The Treachery:
At the same time these jewish power titans were colluding in secret, congress was passing anti-free speech laws against "antisemitism" using the 11-point IHRA definition of antisemitism.

1⃣One of the 11 points of the definition reads: "Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective—such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions." In other words, they were collectivizing as a group to get laws passed making it illegal to accuse jews of acting as a group to control media, government or institutions--something they were clearly doing!

2⃣Another of the 11 points makes "Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations" an act of antisemitism. Clearly, this group of jews' allegiance is to Israel. Again, they are trying to make it illegal to notice that they are more loyal to a foreign power.

Early Thoughts
▪️The entire time that Bill Ackman was pretending to care about DEI, he was using that as smokescreen to get his jewish buddy in power at Harvard and distract from the secret plotting he was doing behind the scenes to help Israel.
▪️Jews have the power they say they don't have
▪️When I said a couple weeks ago that it was obvious that jews controlled law enforcement, I was right.

Immediate Action
The "antisemitism" bills currently in congress must all be scrapped and these jews should be stripped of American citizenship (if they have it) and all be deported to Israel.Image
Read the full article here:…
May 14 4 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ 🇺🇸🇮🇱 Did you know there is an interesting connection between the ADL and the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy?

(Neither Antony Blinken nor Mike Johnson will tell you this story!)

Kennedy was the frontrunner for the Democrat Party nomination for President in 1968 when he was famously shot in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel shortly after winning the Califorina primary. However, instead of walking through the crowd of his campaign supporters as he normally did to shake hands & celebrate, he strangely decided to exit using a back way through the pantry where he ended up being shot & killed under suspicious circumstances.

Why the deviation from his normal pattern?

According to the witness statement from a campaign volunteer, RFK's Press Secretary Frank Mankiewicz insisted that Robert go through the pantry instead.

Who is Frank Mankiewicz? Mankiewicz is jewish & started his career in public relations, serving as the civil rights director for the western branch of the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith!

In 1991, Mankiewicz handled publicity for Oliver Stone's film JFK. JFK was produced by Arnon Milchan--a secret agent Israeli weapons trafficker integral to helping Israel build its nuclear weapons arsenal. The movie JFK famously discusses many of the parties possibly involved in the JFK assassination--utimately insinuating that the CIA k*lled JFK--but curiously makes ZERO mention of any possible Israeli role. The movie never even mentions Israel's nuclear program or JFK's opposition to it.

Below, Mankiewicz is pictured announcing the death of RFK to the public. Are you beginning to see how treacherous these people are?Image 🧵2/ 📺Now watch this Oliver Stone clip from last December. Given what you're about to hear from Stone, isn't it odd none of this information was included in his movie JFK?

Who killed JFK? Who killed RFK?

Apr 29 6 tweets 2 min read
The way students & other protesters are being abused for legal & legitimate free speech shows who ultimately controls our law enforcement.

This control didn't magically materialize last week.

Think about that as you recall how law enforcement abused us all during covid tyranny, or how it stood down & did nothing while BLM ravaged our cities. 38 states now have some form of anti-BDS laws and/or laws forbidding speech critical of ✡️s and/or Israel, the "conservative" ones on "The Right," too.

Israeli Lobby money flows to these legislators & governors. Great examples are Ron DeSantis & Greg Abbott.

Meanwhile, on "The Left," George Soros buys up the more local politicians like state attorneys & prosecutors.Image
Apr 25 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵1. I visited the Texas state capitol in Austin during my visit to see the eclipse. They had portraits & statues of various Texas heroes of history, like

🇺🇸 David Crocket: Fmr US congressman & Martyr of the Alamo
🇺🇸 General Sam Houston: First President of Texas after leading it to independence in war with Mexico
🇺🇸 Stephen Austin: Led colonization & became The Father of Texas. Capital named after him.
🇮🇱 Greg Abbottstein: Did bidding of J - wish masters by gutting the 1st Amendment & sending 113,000 3rd-world invaders into the rest of the United States.Image 🧵2. Greg Abbottstein openly brags about facilitating the invasion & occupation of the United States by 3rd-world invaders:

Apr 25 6 tweets 4 min read
🧵1. Elon Musk & Bill Ackman both boosted the voice of a foreign power calling to censor free speech on college campuses.

I thought Elon was all for free speech? What's going on?

🧵2. You'll recall Elon Musk & ✡️ Bill Ackman held a special Twitter space back in January, to promote ✡️ Dean Phillips, a brief candidate for president.

After the space concluded, Elon tweeted "X is the future."

The future of what? Apparently not free speech on college campuses. Begs the question of just how committed Elon is to free speech.Image
Apr 1 6 tweets 2 min read
Bad meme.

Israel is not a British colony. Israel was created by the exit of the British from Palestine, not their entrance into Palestine. IOW, it's literally the opposite of British colonialism.

Furthermore, what's been going on is Israeli imperialism supported by Jewish infiltration and seizure of western governments.

Israel is the pure expression of jewish supremacy. British complicity is not the same as British colonialism.

Furthermore, much of what is called "British" was just Zionist Occupied Government much like we see today.

The point is that Israel is a Jewish cause, first & foremost, bolstered or aided at times by whomever Jewish zionists could rope into helping them in one way or another.