Sam Parker 🇺🇲 Profile picture
Ran for US Senate-UT. America 1st. MAGLA-Make American Government Local Again. Repeal 16th/17th/19th/26th, Reapportionment Act of 1929 & Immigration Act of 1965
22 subscribers
Feb 2 14 tweets 8 min read
🧵1/ Arynne Wexler is another j-ish/chabad/israeli influence op like Chaya Raichik of Libsoftiktok. Image
🧵 2/ Last year, when I ratio'd Arynne Wexler, her fellow j-ish psyop buddy DC_Draino jumped in to defend her. The only interaction he's ever given me. Then he blocked me.

Jan 22 15 tweets 6 min read
🇺🇸The US was founded & built by people filtered through these criteria & forces:

-White racial genetics
-Christian values/beliefs
-European systems/conventions
-Independent, risk-taking, frontier-minded, pioneer-spirit capability

Although America is White, it is more than that. Image 🧵2/ Founding Population & Growth:

White Protestants: ~2.45 million
White Catholics: ~47.5k
~2,000 jews

(700k non-citizen slaves)

By 1865, America was ~88% White/10% Black. In 1965, it was 89.5% White, still only around 9-10% Black. 93% Christian. Image
Dec 26, 2024 13 tweets 8 min read

I recently watched 2 Christmas movies with my family: Frank Capra's "It's A Wonderful Life," and Irving Berlin's "White Christmas."

Both movies are part of the Great American Pantheon & beloved by generations of Americans.

Both are movies we watched several times over the decades as a family, ever since I was a little kid. My dad was a school teacher & would bring movies home on old film reels along with a movie projector--both checked out from the library at the school where he worked.

I first saw both of these classic movies projected onto a white sheet hung over our fire place. As the years progressed, I would eventually see them on TV, videotape & then DVD.

However, I hadn't watched either in several years, and this time I had a completely different viewing experience for each. One is Christian centered and the other, jewish. This framing made for a stark contrast as I watched.Image 🧵2/ "It's A Wonderful Life" was made by Frank Capra, an Italian Christian.

The main character of the movie passes through 3 phases: an ordinary, mundane life, followed by the experience of "dying," capped off by his triumphant return as a redeemed hero. His guardian angel, Clarence--sent from heaven--receives his wings.

The movie is essentially about Life, Death & Resurrection--decidedly transcendent, Christ-centered, eternal themes.

Clarence The Angel reminds us that each of us has a mission from heaven, just as the Savior did. And as Christ came to earth & fulfilled His mission, so too can each of us.

The movie ends with the cast singing "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing--glory to the Newborn King." An explicit reference to our Savior Jesus Christ, who made it all possible.

The movie is about service, salvation & the Savior Jesus Christ.Image
Dec 25, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
🎄🏦 Christmas Eve, 111 years ago, the Federal Reserve was announced as simply a "currency law" that was a "fine Christmas present" to "aid business." @RonPaul @RepThomasMassie

#MerryChristmas #EndTheFed Image 🧵2/ #MerryChristmas from the jews Image
Dec 21, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
🛑 GERMAR RUDOLF IMPRISONMENT UPDATE: holo caust expert Germar Rudolf is being left to rot in jail in New York, awaiting transport to Pennsylvania to face charges he'd previously been told by authorities they weren't going to press.

Prison transfer normally happens within 72 hours, but it's been almost 2 weeks & they still haven't moved him. This is a form of punishment.

Rudolf was arrested on December 9th, fresh off of 2 appearances on the Jake Shields "Fight Back" podcast, where he debated certain "truth claims" about the conventional holo caust narrative. @jakeshieldsajj @ShieldsClips

I'm told by a close associate that they suspect he'll ultimately be extradited to Germany, where he'll likely face charges of holo caust denial.

You know who is doing this to him & why. If you'd like to support Germar, buy his "Holocaust Encyclopedia" (link below) & follow him on Twitter @GermarRudolf.Image
🧵2/ I'm proud to be a partner with Germar. Buy his "Holocaust Encyclopedia" now.

Use promo code for your entire order: sampark15…Image
Dec 19, 2024 19 tweets 8 min read
If there were an international jewish conspiracy that had infiltrated the US government, we'd see signs, right? 🧵2/ If there were an international jewish conspiracy that had infiltrated the US government, we'd see signs. Image
Dec 8, 2024 6 tweets 7 min read
🧵1/ YOU THINK YOU KNOW PEARL HARBOR? YOU DON'T. HERE'S THE REST OF THE STORY & what it has to do with Gaza, Syria, Russia/Ukraine, Iran and Greater Israel.

▪️Japan was exploited by international jewry to weaken Russia prior to the Bolshevik Revolution
▪️Japan was thus awakened to international jewish collusion & expelled the jews in 1926
▪️Japan's rise in Nationalism & territorial expansion were motivated by the Communist encroachment via China, just as Germany was motivated by Communist encroachment
▪️Japan was maneuvered into attacking Pearl Harbor to provide pretext to take America to war
▪️We can see all these same fingerprints in action right now playing out in the Middle East and Russia/Ukraine on our way to WW3

Months before Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, its news media was educating the Japanese on a "jewish plot" to "encircle Japan," backed by "jewish influence & power." FDR was surrounded by jews & their influence, but one particular jew stands out: Wall Street financier & political operative Bernard Baruch.

Baruch was a close friend & advisor to Woodrow Wilson during WW1 & helped lead that war effort. Afterward, he was a strategic advisor during the Paris Peace Conference and helped engineer the League of Nations & the economic rape of post-war Germany. We should also note that US entry into WW1 helped secure Palestine for jews under the Balfour Declaration--sponsored by Baruch's fellow jewish financier friend, Lord Rothschild. In hindsight, that was step 1 for Greater israel secured!

Later, Baruch became a close friend of both FDR & Winston Churchill, funding each of their political careers & providing them with strategic & coordinated support for WW2.

A couple more tidbits: Baruch was a member of the Ku Klux Klan (jews infiltrating White movements?! Never!) and he strategically exited the famous Wall Street bull run prior to the infamous crash of 1929 (Insider knowledge?! Never!).Image
🧵2/ Pre-WW2 Japan: War with Russia, The Protocals, and Another Jewish Expulsion

To understand why Pearl Harbor happened, we have to rewind the clock back to the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. The European Rothschilds had curiously loaned both Russia and Japan $200 million to purchase weapons from their Rothschild-owned arms factories in Germany! (jews funding & supplying both sides?! Never!)

Two of the most important results of this war were that Russia was left weakened & vulnerable for the Bolshevik Revolution looming right around the corner, and Japan was left bankrupt, jaded and awakened to being taken advantage of by jewish influence (see below).

Sidebar: We also see now how the current Russia-Ukraine war--pushed by jews Antony Blinken & Victoria Nuland, financed by Blackrock jews and their zionist agents in the US congress, prosecuted by Ukrainian jew Volodymyr Zelenskyy--has left Russia weakened once again, such that it is unable to adequately prop up the Assad regime in Syria as it did earlier in the Syrian Civil War, which Donald Trump noted today (see below). The gameboard is being further cleared for Greater Israel & a showdown with Iran--who will shortly see its own supply lines to Hamas & Hezbollah cut off.

This "education" of the Japanese after being left disillusioned from the 1905 war, led to The Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Zion eventually gaining widespread circulation & traction in Japan after WW1. (Isn't it interesting that the Protocols were first leaked to the world in 1905, the same year as the Russo-Japanese War?). By 1926, Japan expelled the jews from Nagasaki & then all of Japan! Later, it would be Bernard Baruch who would suggest Nagasaki as a target for the atomic bomb.Image
Dec 4, 2024 8 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/ Mike Benz, renowned expert on internet censorship--regularly names the FBI, the CIA, various NGOs, etc--but over several hours on Tucker Carlson & Joe Rogan, never named the ADL, the Mossad or Unit 8200.

Probably just a simple oversight, right?

🧵2/ For years, during the late-20-teens, Mike Benz infiltrated the Alt-Right movement pretending to be a White Nationalist named "Frame Games."

He even fooled prominent Gentile Alt-Right influencers at the time.

This is why we can't trust jews in our movement, even when they seem to be on our side.Image
Nov 17, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
🚨 🇮🇱🇺🇦 WW3 BREAKING NEWS : israel is seeking to transfer weapons to Ukraine.

I've been telling you for months that Netanyahu & israel have formed an alliance with NATO & its new Secretary General, Mark Rutte.

The israel-US-Iran war is connected to the US-NATO-Ukraine-Russia war.

For those who missed it: the "neocons" who want war with Russia are the same tribe as the "zionists" who want war with Iran.

Read my thread below & do the math.Image 🧵2/ Mark Rutte cut a deal with israel to become Secretary General of NATO. Image
Nov 11, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ 🇺🇸🇮🇱 Speaking of Veterans Day--how exactly is this israeli veteran of the IDF going to take an oath of office to the US when he's already sworn an oath of loyalty to israel?

Daniel Norber is an American in name only: born in the US, raised in israel.

It gets worse (cont): Image
🧵2/ Not only do soldiers in the IDF swear a loyalty oath to israel, they actually go to the ancient fortress of Masada & swear "Masada Shall Not Fall Again."

This actually makes the dual loyalty pledges to the israel & the USA worse. Why? (cont)... Image
Nov 9, 2024 13 tweets 5 min read
They will try to honeytrap Barron and we can't allow it. Image
🧐 If you see what this is, I dunno what to tell you. Image
Nov 5, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
🇺🇸🇮🇱 Everyone is making fun of Monica Lewinsky for voting for Kamala Harris. Sex jokes & puns abound. Sure, it's funny stuff, perfect for Twitter. But there's more to this story.

What most are forgetting is that Monica was likely a Sayan or "Sparrow"--a honeytrap mossad asset that Benjamin Netanyahu exploited to successfully blackmail Bill Clinton.

The very same Netanyahu that's the PM of Israel right now. The same Netanyahu who was the first to congratulate Biden after he won in 2020. The same Netanyahu whose son was involved in the J6 psyop (via Parler) that helped prevent Trump from successfully challenging the stolen election.

Bibi wants to stay in power. He wants to permanently bury the bodies in Gaza. He wants the war with Iran and has been trying to start it for months. He needs it for Greater Israel & to stay out of trouble with a large portion of israeli citizenry calling for his arrest. He's forged the alliance with NATO and wants the Russia-Ukraine war to continue to keep Russia from intervening in a war with Iran.

Trump, meanwhile, is explicitly saying "No" to war with Iran and "No" WW3. He's saying he'll end the Russia-Ukraine war. (whether he'll live up to those statements & promises is another matter)

So, to those of you who see an opportunity for funny sex jokes here: I see a foreign operation from the PM of israel to influence the election towards Kamala Harris & WW3. We are not the same. 🤣Image
🧵2/ The Mossad obtained 30 hours worth of dirty phone sex between Bill & Monica. They used it to successfully get the White House to stop hunting for a high-level mole.

To my knowledge, this spy was never found or prosecuted. Image
Nov 3, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
🇺🇸 MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN: The Story Of McDonald's Fries @goddeketal

🍟 Did you know that Mcdonald's (and other fast food restaurants) used to cook their fries in tasty beef tallow?

🍪 Did you also know that snack food companies used to use palm & coconut oil in their snacks?

🌽 🫘🌻 Did you further know that the fast food, restaurant, & snack companies switched to vegetable oils largely as the result of the efforts of one multimillionaire named Phil Sokolov?

☣️ Phil Sokolov spent $15 million making sure the American diet switched from natural, healthier fats to toxic, less healthy seed oils (pictured below in Simon's tweet).

💊 Sokolov also pushed anti-cholesterol pharmaceuticals, which greatly benefited his fellow tribesmen in Big Pharma. But I'm sure that's all just one, big, FAT cohencidence.

💰📈 So, for the low investment of $15 million, they've ensured that hundreds of millions of Americans have gotten more fat & sick than ever before, while reaping Big Pharma $Billions upon $Billions in profit.

If you're wondering about Phil Sokolov's ethnicity: yes, he is.Image
They told us our ancestors were liars, and we believed them. Image
Oct 30, 2024 5 tweets 5 min read
cc: @EvaVlaar

Mark Rutte the brand new Secretary General of NATO, is an explicit supporter of israel and specifically Benjamin Netanyahu. He's already denied that israel has committed any war crimes in Gaza, and Netanyahu has reached out to him & they seem to be very cozy.

The thoughtful individual might ask, "What does the Secretary General of NATO care about Gaza and israel?" Did Rutte have israel's help in securing his leadership over NATO? If so, that suggests a quid pro quo.

And if a quid pro quo, then that can only mean that Ukraine/Russia & israel/Iran are now connected. NATO will support Israel, and Israel will support NATO.

By keeping Russia tied up with Ukraine, israel will be able to make bigger moves against Iran without needing to worry as much about Russian intervention, like when Russia stopped the overthrow of Syria. Keeping Russia occupied in a major war with Ukraine will restrict its ability to help Iran. Netanyahu will be able to complete "Greater israel" & successfully "bury the bodies" in Gaza.

By the same token, if israel can keep Iran occupied & destroy its drone & missile manufacturing, that hurts Russia's war-making capacity which relies upon those supplies of armaments from Iran. Zelensky, his jewish backers & their NATO allies will be able to dismantle Russian hegemony and finish securing the Heavenly Jerusalem/new Khazaria project in Ukraine.

When all the dust settles, worldwide jewry will have an expanded & new refuge in Ukraine, Ukraine will be part of NATO, Russia will be subdued & brought to heel, Iran will be neutered, and israeli will emerge the hegemon over the World Island at the confluence of the 3 continents.

The United States will have been sucked dry supporting both the NATO war for Ukraine & the israeli War of Hegemonic Conquest, and israel becomes the world power of the 21st Century.

That would leave just China as the sole Nationalist holdout in the world, standing in the way of total jewish hegemony. But it would be surrounded on all sides and it would just be a matter of time until they go after China as well....Unless China gets involved on the side of Russia & Iran in the first place. Hence, you have people like the jewish CEO of Palantir, Alex Karp, talking about the United States fighting a 3-front war against Russia, China & Iran.

These are the complete stakes of Rutte's push for bringing Ukraine into NATO. This is what Trump allegedly is going to stop. At least that's what he says. And that's probably why they've tried to assassinate him twice.Image
🧵2/ Last Week: NATO pilot leaks a video of him flying over the skies of Palestine, the day before israel attacked Iran. Thread:

Oct 29, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ Did you know? Before they made museums with piles of shoes to honor the victims, they made p0rn out of it.

The struggle was real, my friends. Image
🧵2/ "Was it really so wrong to be into Nazi kink?"

Looks like they were traumatized beyond all rational thought. Image
Oct 29, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read

❌ LIE: The jewess's reply below says, "The jewish lineage is traditionally passed down through the maternal bloodline. To be considered jewish, a person must have a jewish mother..."

✅ Truth: This is only true for Conservative & Orthodox jewry, which comprises just 26% of American jewry. And even then, a person can still be considered an ethnic jew if his/her father is jewish. Reform judaism accepts full jewishness from either parent, and comprises 37% of American jewry.

IOW, it's only a minority of jews who follow matrilineal descent. And even then the offspring will still be ethnically jewish. This jewess knows that, but counts on you not knowing. This is one more way they try to deceive us in order to hide the true magnitude of their influence.

🧵 cont.Image
🧵2/ Become an official "Pattern Recognition Expert" at the Bad Goys Club now!

Use promo code SamParker for 15% off your entire order.…
Oct 29, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read

Relative of Kamala Harris: 'She's intentionally Blackwashing the jewish part of her identity.'

"She's exceedingly jewish." - @RealCandaceO 🧵2/ Closeups of three of her ancestors.

Kamala is quite possibly at least 12.5% Sephardic jewish, but could be more if there is any contributions from the various maternal lines (as yet undetermined). Image
Oct 25, 2024 9 tweets 6 min read

Yesterday, in a now-deleted tweet, Captain Daniel Alwan posted a video of him flying over israel. Everyone has seen this, but no one's talking about his affiliation. He's American, but he apparently flies for NATO.

After the attempted Trump assassination in July, I pointed out the alliance forged between Benjamin Netanyahu & the new Secretary General of NATO, Mark Rutte.

I said that this meant the Ukraine/Russia War was to be understood as connected to israel/Iran, and that NATO resources would be at israel's disposal (see tweet quoted below).

🧵2/ Who is Captain Daniel Alwan?

He's a pilot who flies an F-15 for he 104th Fighter Wing, currently assigned--apparently--to NATO. He's also a member of the Freemasons of California. Image
Oct 25, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵1/ Whether they're a "George Soros" jew, or a "Bibi Netanyahu" jew; they're still a jew & openly hostile to White people & ethnonationalism in White countries, especially the US.

And whether they're a zionist jew or an anti-zionist jew, they'll call you an antisemite for saying so & try to get you canceled.Image 🧵2/


Oct 17, 2024 8 tweets 4 min read

Long post:

Many people are waking up to israeli infiltration of our government & institutions and I welcome it. There's a lot of truth to that. A lot.

But at the same time, it's not the full truth. It doesn't tell the full story. You're stopping short. "Israel" serves as a diversion from the big picture if you place all your eggs in the "It's israel!" basket.

Here are some of the other potential diversions--baskets they try to get you to put all your eggs in, rather than the ONE BIG BASKET that comprises all of them:

-zionist jews
-bolshevik jews
-neocon jews
-Democrat jews
-jewish billionaires
-jewish mafia
-the Rothschilds
-George Soros
-Unit 8200
-Leftist jews
-Atheist jews
-Unit 8200
-Likud party
-Chabad Lubavitch

When you add it all up, you'll begin to understand the problem is much larger than just israel. Here's what many of you don't understand & what you're missing:

International Jewry is a "country" of its own, a "nation without borders" that predates the founding of israel. It was Organized International Jewry that *founded* israel in the first place.

Worldwide jewry is a nation *without* borders--infiltrating, occupying & subverting their host nations *with* borders. And like all nations, it has its own institutions.

Israel is just one institution of the International Jewish Nation. An extremely prominent & important one. Maybe the most important one. But it's just one segment of the slice. A rough analogy would be to say that Washington DC represents all of American government & its people. It doesn't. But it's a really really important & powerful. However, there's state level governments, local governments, non-government organizations, charities, churches, and finally just regular Americans--loyal to America--working to advance America.

This is how worldwide jewry must be understood. Jews are jews first--loyal to each other and to worldwide jewry. And just as most Americans support American institutions, so too do most jews support israel.

So don't be fooled. It's not israel--it's jews. jewish history and involvement in world affairs didn't start in 1948--or even 1897. Major Osman Bey did a great job of explaining this truth--in 1873!

Learn about how the International Jewish Nation operates, and how it has operated for centuries, from his book "Conquest Of The World By The Jews."

Get your copy at LucasGage.comImage
Oct 11, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Nothing changed...except literally everything.

Worst tweet I've seen today. Image 🧵 "Nothing really changed" Image