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Nov 20, 2021, 13 tweets

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman Full story of Zander Group and its investors + Tory Party Lords and MPs involvement, due diligence done by Jones Lang LaSalle - they were working directly for Mayor of London 2013-2017 (not MOD) though they were appointed July 30 2013 - specifically for 'this job'

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman Jones Lang LaSalle worked tirelessly for Mayor of London's office 2007-2016- through sale of Brompton & were appointed by MOD to manage the sale and all due diligence in July 30 2013 - they had not won a bid to be the MOD suppliers in 2012 - yet got the job in 2013 - a little odd

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman Contract was signed 20 Nov 2013 and £5 given to reserve Brompton. JLL had 99 days to Google Dmytro Firtash/do searches of financial history (MI5 blocked Pauline Neville Jones appt to Cabinet in Aug 2010, Wikileaks Dec 2010 had Firtash admitting working Semion Mogilevitch)

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman MOD accepted the last four payments for millions from "Firtash" while he was in Vienna 'detained' awaiting possible extradition. And the most likely banker is the Tory Party multi-million pound donor written on the title deeds David Rowland owner of the Banque Haviland

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman 1) So FBI indicted man with warrant for arrest sold a £53m asset backing onto tube. 2) Due Diligence utterly farcical - why? 3) Around £33m of the £53m paid to the MOD while Firtash was under arrest 4) Tory Party refusal to issue an unexplained wealth order on him repeatedly

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman Zander for another day

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman taster - head of Zander Group (close friend of Rees-Mogg - attended dad's funeral) does clean up for Putin on the Syrian Assad image (allegedly)

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman If I were a curious journalist I'd buy Simon Hodson at JLL a huge lunch and ply him with wine and find out why Ajit Chambers (Old London Underground comp) red hot fav for Brompton Rd were booted in favour of a Russian-backed Ukrainian oligarch

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman Need to prove Jones Lang LaSalle were not the 'core supplier for the MOD' so calling their appt to sell Brompton Rd 'odd' is an understatement

DIO (is MOD disposal team) say clearly JLL FAILED to make the final 3 in August 2012…

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman Working backwards from July 30 on events
30 June 13 - Dmytro Firtash indictment sealed by DOJ
24 June Old Billingsgate Tory Pty billionaire f'raiser with Russians
22 June - all Firtash Foundation English directors resign
20 June - Original DOJ Firtash Grand Jury indictment agreed

@carolecadwalla @Turloughc @WendySiegelman OOPS 21 June not 22 June - Jack Wakefield is 'as some know' Dominic Cummings brother-in-law

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