Pratham Prasoon Profile picture
Dev Rel Engineer @MovementLabsxyz ๐Ÿฅ‘๐Ÿ”ฌ Python, JavaScript, & Rust junkie. Building things I love with blockchains by the day, working on AI at night ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

Nov 20, 2021, 13 tweets

Get started with web3 development on the blockchain today! โ›“

Here's a simple 5 minute guide to setup your metamask wallet and get free ethereum to develop decentralised applications ๐Ÿงต

The first step is to head over to, then download the metamask browser extention for your specific browser.

Chrome, FireFox and any chromium dervatives like brave, edge, vivaldi are supported.

After the extention is installed you'll be at the setup screen, click continue.

Click on 'Create a new wallet' and then agree on the next step.

This wallet is sort of like your bank account for all the cryptocurrencies and things that you own on the blockchain.

Create a password.

The password should be minimal 8 characters. Make it secure by adding numbers, special signs and capital letters.

You don't want hacker69420 to access your hard earned (mined?) doge :)

Now here comes the `Secret Recovery Phrase`, it is the key to your wallet. Make sure you save your Secret Recovery Phrase properly.

I'd reccomend writing it on a piece of paper, when I say store it properly, I mean it.

Anyone with this passphrase can access your wallet.

You will also be asked to confirm your Secret Recovery Phrase. You need to pick the exact order.

The Secret Rcovery Phrase is different from your private key, I'll show you how to access that soon.

But make sure you keep your private key, password and secret passphrase safe.

You can access the metamask dashboard by clicking on the extention icon in the top right corner, then click on the three dots and expand the view.

Now click on the three dots again, account details and you can now export your private key, do NOT share this with anyone.

This private key will be used in a lot of places while building dApps, keep it safe and use it properly.

Next let's get our free ethereum on the rinkeby testnet, this is 'fake' ETH for building and testing web3 apps on the blockchain.

Click on this link ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿปโ€ฆ.

Replace the 00x00... part with your public key and tweet it.

You'll find that in the metamask extention, click on the rectangle and it'll copy it straight to your clipboard.

This public is safe to share with anyone.

Finally you'll have to paste the link to the tweet you made on this website, the ETH funds will be transfered to your wallet on the testnet.

Make sure you retweet this thread and follow @PrasoonPratham if you're interested in more web3 content.

See you next time ๐ŸŽ‰

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