Pratham Prasoon Profile picture
Dev Rel Engineer @MovementLabsxyz 🥑🔬 Python, JavaScript, & Rust junkie. Building things I love with blockchains by the day, working on AI at night 🛠️
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Feb 26 10 tweets 3 min read
Hey Twitter!

I’m really excited to share what we’ve been working on at Eclipse for the past few months.

Here’s an Eclipse Mainnet 101 🧵 Image @EclipseFND In 2010 Bitcoin became the first public blockchain that allowed for the transfer of digital currency.

In 2014 came Ethereum which built on Bitcoin’s foundation and added programmability of this digital currency with smart contracts. This allowed for the creation of dApps.
Jan 22, 2023 12 tweets 4 min read
Twitter, forget JavaScript for a second. Take a look at Rust.

Rust developers are paid up to $230,000/year. There's insane demand for this tech!

Here's why and how I'm learning this beast of a programming language in 2023🧵 Python and JavaScript/TypeScript are my go-to languages for building web apps, backends, ML models, and anything I want.

However, recently I've wanted to learn something that's more low-level and faster.

That's how I got to learning Rust.
Jun 25, 2022 37 tweets 10 min read
ROC curves are a topic that you will encounter at some point in your machine learning journey.

They are one the most important metrics for evaluating a model.

Let's how they work and how to use them 🧵 👇🏻 A new disease 'X' has been identified in a region, fatal enough to kill a patient if not treated.

A team of engineers develop a machine learning model to predict if someone has this disease or not, surprisingly it caught every infected person!

But there's a big problem...
Jun 22, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Google spent $36,847 an hour for 40 days straight to train a machine learning model called AlphaGo.

Put simply, making these models is an expensive and lengthy process.

Here's how you can potentially train your models upto 2x faster with the magic of parallelization🧵 Training a machine learning model is typically a 3 step process called 'ETL', which stands for:

- Extraction
- Transformation
- Loading

Let's take a closer look at these phases.
Nov 27, 2021 14 tweets 5 min read
A couple of days ago I showed you how to mint NFTs on the blockchain with JavaScript in ~10 lines of code.

You can do the same thing with Python 🐍

Here's how it works🧵 Typically minting an NFT would require you to write code in this language called 'solidity' to create a smart contract which would then mint the nft.

It require lots of testing, security checks and remember, once code goes on the blockchain it cannot be changed.

This sucks.
Nov 21, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
You make your own cryptocurrency on the blockchain with JavaScript in just these 9 lines of code.

Here's how it works🧵 We'll be using thirdweb's JavaScript sdk to make this happen.

To start you'll need to setup Metamask and store your private key, here's a guide that'll take you through the entire process.

Nov 20, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Get started with web3 development on the blockchain today! ⛓

Here's a simple 5 minute guide to setup your metamask wallet and get free ethereum to develop decentralised applications 🧵 The first step is to head over to, then download the metamask browser extention for your specific browser.

Chrome, FireFox and any chromium dervatives like brave, edge, vivaldi are supported.
Nov 19, 2021 15 tweets 5 min read
You can mint an NFT on the blockchain in JavaScript with ~10 lines of code.

No solidity, no testing... just these 10 lines of JavaScript.

Here's how it works 🧵 Typically minting an NFT would require you to write code in this language called 'solidity' to create a smart contract which would then mint the nft.

It require lots of testing, security checks and remember, once code goes on the blockchain it cannot be changed.

This sucks.
Nov 6, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
As I see it, there are three fundamental features of a blockchain:


They make the blockchain so powerful and useful. 1️⃣Decentralisation

All data is decentralised and not stored in some server at a billon dollar corporation.

Everyone gets to own the data.
Nov 5, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
You wouldn't believe this, a friend of mine is earning $100k+ a year by writing code for something called a 'DAO'.

They are one of the most interesting applications of blockchain tech in web3 and are being used for a host of different things.

Here's how it works 🧵 🏢'DAOs short for (𝗗ecentralized 𝗔utonomous 𝗢rganizations) are an effective and safe way to work with like-minded folks around the globe.'

- Ethereum.​org

🔺Corporations of today operate with a 'hierarchical' structure so to speak.
Oct 1, 2021 22 tweets 5 min read
Want to learn Python as a beginner in 2021 for free?

Here's everything you need to know to get started with updated resources and a proper roadmap!

🧵 👇🏻 A bit of backstory, I wrote my first piece of Python code in 2015 but eventually gave it up for several years because of two main reasons:

A. I had no internet
B. No guidance

You have the power of the internet and I don't want the same to happen to you, hence this guide.
Sep 28, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
The mean squared error is probably one of the very first evaluation metrics that you might've used when making machine learning models.

Yet most people don't have a clear intuition about how it works, let's fix that today!

🧵 👇🏻 📍 The mean squared error (MSE) is a common loss function used for 'regression' problems.

Regression models are used for predicting quantitave values based on data like the prices of houses in an area, future height growth of a plant etc.
May 16, 2021 23 tweets 7 min read
A store owner recently noticed an alarmingly high rate of shoplifting.

He develops a machine learning model that predicts if a customer has shoplifted or not and it is 95% accurate!

He deploys the model but a month later catches no shoplifters...

🧵 👇🏻 Before we get into this problem it is important to understand what accuracy is.

Accuracy is the number of times you predicted something correctly divided by how many times you actually predicted it.
May 14, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
What you see below is called "Sigma notation".

Something I've encountered frequently in the math for machine learning and number theory.

Here's how it works.
🧵 👇🏻 This weirdly shaped 'E' is the capital greek alphabet called 'Sigma' and it stands for summation.

Essentially what it allows us to do is represent equations where we add multiple items, let me show you what I mean.
May 13, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
This is a logarithm.

You'll see it in a lot of machine learning formulas, computer science, and math in general.

Here's a really simple explanation of how it works.
🧵 👇🏻 Before we understand how logarithms work, it is important to know how 'exponents' work.

aᶜ=b (read as "a to the power of c equals b") is an exponent where a,b and c are numbers.

aᶜ=b just means that a multiplied by itself c amount of times is equal to b.