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The dapperest of ducks. I mock and I know things. QAnon analysis featured in Vice, Newsweek, Daily Mail, CBS News. Find me on Bluesky & Mastodon (@journa.host)

Nov 20, 2021, 7 tweets

I'm mentally preparing myself to do a piece about what exactly is happening in Dallas, but what you have to start with is that they believe two words, phrases or sentences with the same 'total' (A=1, B=2, etc & then all letter-values are added together) have divine significance.

At the same time BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION the rules are fast and loose. One of Neg48's admins suggests you do whatever is "fun" and makes the best "story."

This contradiction-- do whatever you want to the numbers VS the finished product is a message from God-- is dangerous.

The basic idea that God is speaking through you isn't uncommon, existing in lots of belief systems.

But when the charismatic leader and his closest disciples start showing up in the 'messages from God' made by their own followers, it creates a highly toxic cultic environment.

"As you listen more and more to Michael [Negative48] you will begin to understand and it becomes even more fun" is a sentence that should raise everyone's eyebrow.

As @PokerPolitics reminded me, the group still surrounding Michael in Dallas has started referring to itself as "the Remnant" to distinguish themselves from from the larger pool of Michael's followers, "the Called."

They continue to solicit donations to remain with him.

Oh, good

For those who may not understand, the current situation spilled over into the real world about three weeks ago, though obviously they've been building up to this for a while online

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