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dharma-visheSha-prasUtAd dravya-guNa-karma-sAmAnya-visheSha-samavAyAnAM padArthAnAM sAdharmya-vaidharmAbhyAM tattvaj~nAnAn niHshreyasaM ||

Nov 21, 2021, 8 tweets

The equilateral triangle is not a common motif in most of H temple plans; however, it is extensively used in Kashmir. That it was prevalent in the Panjab before its destruction is clear from the shrine what is today the terrorist state. e.g. Mari Indus temple C.

The niche contained a sUrya image similar those in the widespread saura temples of western India.

A further worn out viShNu from the ruins of the mArtANDa temple: Note a unique aspect of Kashmirian temple architecture the use of the hexagonal and equilateral triangle symmetries. Quite unlike other H architectural traditions

The exemplar from the pA~ncharAtrika shrine of meruvardhanasvAmin

The exemplar from pAshupata shrine at Manasbal

The Kashmirian/Northwest arches and chandrashAla-s often use the equilateral triangles. There are many different expressions which I'm yet to fully understand but the below is the simples of them.

The Malot brick shrine in the Panjab in what is today TSP

The hexagonal floral motif in the "Kafirkot" temple A in the Panjab

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