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dharma-visheSha-prasUtAd dravya-guNa-karma-sAmAnya-visheSha-samavAyAnAM padArthAnAM sAdharmya-vaidharmAbhyAM tattvaj~nAnAn niHshreyasaM ||
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Apr 25, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
In some parts of the world aDNA studies have become a matter of fact tool for reconstructing lost history like this massive study of the Avar Khaghanate individuals from Hungary. Like the earlier study it shows the tale of "Mongols" before the Chingizids… It seems the East Asian component of the Avars in the west can be modeled best with Late Xiongnu& certain Xianbei (Serbi) individuals. We take the Xiongnu to be early members of the Mongolic branch, while as Shimunek demonstrated Xianbei to be early members of the Serbi branch of
Apr 20, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
The early Arya-s imagined the tumulus (kurgan) as a shelter with the "mother" - i.e. earth. This is clarified in the tR^icha deployed for the funerary rite of the piling of the kurgan, i.e. shmashAna:
uch Chva~nchasva pR^ithivi mA ni bAdhathAH sUpAyanAsmai bhava sUpava~nchanA | mAtA putraM yathA sichAbhy enam bhUma UrNuhi ||

uchChva~nchamAnA pR^ithivI su tiShThatu sahasram mita upa hi shrayantAm |
gR^ihAso ghR^itashchuto bhavantu vishvAhAsmai sharaNAH santv atra ||

~May the earth stand piled high above him; verily upheld by a 1000 props. May it be
Apr 20, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The Israeli program to make best use of the high cognitive capacity of their people

Such a plan might work to some degree even among peoples with much lower pop. density of cognitive capacity but what they may lack is the necessary cohesion
via… Many of the cognitive elite& their descendants who played a key role in the Soviet Rus programs moved Isr & added mental muscle to their capacity in the 1990s.
Apr 20, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
A 🧵on interdigitation in IE branches. 1 of the offshoots of the recent archaeogenetic work is the developing view that Greek- (Greco-Armenian) sprang directly out of Yamnaya, with Greeks sojourning in the upper Balkans before reaching the peninsula& islands. This is consistent with certain linguistic (word) trees that favor an early branching of Greek (Greco-Armenian) after the basal most branches Anatolian & Tocharian. But until not long ago there was an alternative or partly overlapping linguistic hypothesis of Greco-Armeno-Aryan. Was that signal
Mar 18, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
🧵Some "great books" for H educational reading with some comments
1. Excerpts from the 4 shruti-s & their a~Nga-s (I know many would go apoplectic with this suggestion: I see your point)
2. vedA~Nga-jyotiSha with numerical examples& practical observations of the sky 3. kaNAda's sUtra-s w commentarial material
4. excerpts from jaimini' sUtra-s with glosses
5. pata~njali's yogasUtra-s w vyAs-abhAShya
6. excerpts from itihAsa-s & harivaMsha
7. excerpts from proto-skandapurANa
8. readings from mAlinIvijaya, nishvAsa, netra, lakShmI, pauShkara
Feb 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The ancient world, unlike many neo-occidentally conditioned folks, recognized that leadership of men was related to something special -- it could be seen as a the charisma seen only in a true leader. That's why we have approximately equivalent words: Skt: shrI; Iranic: Xvarena, Turkic: kut, Mongolic: suu, Chinese: yun, Arabic: dawlat. That it cuts across religions and ethnicities in Eurasia indicates that it is something primal.Even the Austronesia Maoris had something called mana. At times of stress nation can only be led by men with that special thing
Feb 21, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
A new preprint on Indian genomics from Moorjani et al. Some figures and statements are a bit shoddy, but overall, it has good material.

1 notable result: only 22 out of 2126 from core Indian cline lack Aryan ancestry! They don't tell us which part of… or which jAti-s these hail from. That is only ~1% of the core India cline population has a purely pre-Aryan heritage -- this illustrates the sheer magnitude of the genetic impact of the AI -- something many of us have known for more than 2 decades. Yet is something the India
Feb 9, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
These are both good examples. Even if a R^iShi names himself directly, he might still use an encoding for his name. Brief thread with e.g.s:
vishvAmitra (take this with the mitra dominance of v'mitra):
*mitrAya* pa~ncha yemire janA abhiShTishavase | sa devAn *vishvAn* bibharti || Here vishvAmitra like the original Virgil example codes his name in reverse.
vAmadeva gautama: *vAmaM-vAmaM* ta Adure *devo* dadAtv aryamA |
*vAmam* pUShA *vAmam* bhago *vAmaM devaH* karULatI ||
This is the most dense patch of the word vAma in the whole RV.
Feb 3, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
I wish I could answer this with numbers, but I don't have the time to dig up such. Hence, this answer is based on feelings. I feel approximately the same. In the thread below I'll elaborate a bit: It might arouse disagreement in some readers. In 1989 we had the disastrous ascent of VP Singh, the Mandal affair, then by 1991 the collapse of our main ally the Sov-rUs empire, the assassination of Rajiv, the unstable brief rule of Chandrashekhar. Coeval with this the mlechCha-marUnmatta attempt to grab our head -- Kashmir was initiated with full violence.
Jan 9, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
The structure of the mahAmlechChAnAm navyonmatta-gUDha-chakra has a complex structure that cannot be easily probed by the lay beholder. There is madhyama-prAkAra which is manned by ardhakR^iShna. Hence, those who probe a bit realize that it is not sana-piNDaka but end up thinking that it is ardhrakR^iShNa who calls the shots. But one should not forget that before the Chalaprabandha to place piNDaka on the Asandi& they brought a relative unknown ardrakR^iShNa& put him on the ma~ncha. So he is not the real power -- it is those who put him there. Of course
Jan 5, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The rUs strategy is become clearer even as the pa~nchanetraka+vassals have tried to spread a smokescreen over it shouting from the rooftops that the dAnu-aparin-s will conquer Moscow🙂The battles of Bakhmut&the latest conquest of Maryinka were said to be clearly bruta fulmina But if one cuts through the noise of the Occident's megaphone & delves into what some of their own analysts & what those not in Occidental control are saying, a different picture emerges. These two battles were primarily traps for the dAnu-aparin-s to exhaust their fighting males
Jan 2, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
The puruSha-sUkta associated with puruShamedha was clearly first adopted by the shuklayajurvedin-s from the RV rather than AV tradition. This likely occurred in the context of the 5 night shrauta ritual, the pa~ncharAtra puruShamedha.The human sacrifice was already proscribed in the SYV itself. In the SYV the puruSha nArAyaNa sUkta was extended with the uttara-nArAyaNa for a distinct after-rite with which the yajamAna either retired to the forest giving up all his wealth or lived ina
village performing rituals. From the SYVins it was adopted by the
Dec 17, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
It is interesting that this is a general phenomenon: we have derangement syndromes triggered by nAri~NgapuruSha &rUspati just like the lATarAT. I've also seen several people flip from total bhagat to dviT from one term to another. I think there're 3 distinct (but may be related) psychologies involved here: 1. As we have mentioned before, there is a core "political orientation" everyone has. But some people especially in their teens-20s wander around a bit before reaching it because they are unable to read more complex cues. Thus, they might be le-libs
Dec 16, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Given that the American Ivies are in the news these days, many think that they have recently declined. It is true that there was a big downward plummet following the kR^iShNamukha riots organized by piNDaka’s backers to overthrow the nAri~NgapuruSha. However, those who are discerning and have interacted with Ivies for long know that even in the late 1990s-early 2000s. All of them had great science and math faculties; however, these were not in a position to fight the storm being brewed up in the fake knowledge disciplines. The said sci/math faculty
Nov 24, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
A rendering of the manifestation of supreme shakti navAtmikA of the pashchimAMnAya. The Agama explains the emergence of the navAtmikA form thus in the teaching of umA to shiva:
shashA~NkArdha-kalA j~neyA ambikA madhyachandrikA |
ekA eva parAshaktis tridhA sA cha prajAyate || Image The goddess ambikA manifest in the midst of the half-moon triplicated herself (technically the central triangle of the yantra). This triad of goddess are the shakti-s vAmA, jyeShThA and raudrI, corresponding to the first 3 deities of the vAmadeva-brahma-mantra
Nov 19, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The mUlavAtUla-marUnmatta-yuddha has shades of "Gujarat" in it. Soon after the marUnmatta-s burnt down H in lATa, their propaganda machinery aided & abetted by the mlechCha-s made it all about them forgetting who were the cause. This was reproduced in the current conflict & some of piNDaka's backers, the same ones who are ranged against the H, are now threatening to withdraw their support to him if he goes with the mUla-s.Some of the latter who were in the anti-H ranks (including some whom the H were foolishly simping for) are now getting a real taste of
Nov 1, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I mostly concur. Over the years I have realized that genetic determinism is a much bigger factor that abrahamo-occidentally conditioned minds like to admit. I see two vectors that might have an angle of up to 30 degs between them: 1. intrinsic religiosity & 2. sense of group ID The best situation for a group is when there is a greater alignment between these vectors & they have a large magnitude. IMO, H tend to have relatively low alignment and moderate magnitude of the group ID vector. Thus, it is common (especially in South India) where there has been
Oct 16, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Comparing the J and the H responses in the final phase of their movements for independence, the armed struggle played a critical role in both cases. Savarkar was correct in urging the H youth “to gain practice” for the impending war by participating in WW2. In the case of the J a related idea went back to Trumpeldor, who gained experience serving the Russians. Later, many J gained experience in Polish units during WW2. This really gave their armed struggle considerable muscle and allowed them to form the ISR military as soon as the English left. After WW2
Oct 8, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
It is unclear if the marUnmatta-s had any strategy in their current ghazwat. It was heavy on tactical effervescence -- something also previously seen with their coreligionist from the occupied pA~nchanada& sindhu -- but not clear if it aimed to achieve anything strategically It that sense it was just like the 9/11 attack -- mass civilian deaths for shock value that will draw the attention of the world. While such a shock value is deeply engrained in the principle of the jihad since its founder, these attacks seem slightly different from say the
Oct 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Thanks. Multiple people have asked for prompts behind our recent posts. I'll just mention something general in that regard. First, imagine what you want -- that is based on your knowledge of the intended composition. Describe it in words to the engine. The key to note is that this implementation of DALL-E 3 in MS image generator is not like MidJourney. It does not perform mutations on an earlier generated image. So there is randomness: 1. Some of the prompts fail but slight tweaks to the statement while maintaining semantics gives better results.
Oct 2, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
@JoraShankara @Sapratha 2. Harappan being Dravidian is a rather unfounded claim; hence, I think Steve Bonta is correct in dispelling rather strongly the idea that it was Dravidian -- he is a dravidianist himself
3. I think he has made a real contribution to understanding the Harappan script in defining @JoraShankara @Sapratha the fields P,M,C, T and their sub-structure. 4. I also think he may have found something meaningful in his analysis of the so-called "M" field.
I find his readings more "believable" than another recent IA interpretation which was posted by a person called yaj~nadeva. However,