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Nov 21, 2021, 5 tweets

Today is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

Every 24 seconds, the 🌍 loses:
a child
a father
a mother
a brother
a sister
a friend
a colleague...

Remember those who died.
Support those who survived.
Take action to save lives.

Every year the lives of nearly 1.3 million people 🌍 are cut short because of road traffic crashes 🚦

Today and every day, let's take a moment to remember them.


Those rebuilding their lives after road traffic crashes and their families deserve appropriate medical, psychological, legal, and financial support.


To save lives & prevent road injuries, governments should:

🚦 Make & enforce good #RoadSafety laws
🚦 Ensure roads & vehicles are designed for safety
🚦 Provide prompt emergency care for road traffic victims


When roads are safe, people are more likely to opt to:
πŸšΆβ€ Walk
🚴 Cycle
🚍 Use public transport

They are healthier βš•οΈ, greener 🌳, and more sustainable ♻️.


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