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Nov 21, 2021, 7 tweets

❓Is Europe going back into lockdown?

Tough restrictions loom on the continent again – including for the double jabbed – to combat a deadly fourth wave of coronavirus

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🔴Europe is staring down the barrel of full lockdowns as the fourth wave of Covid brings sweeping restrictions even for vaccinated people

🇦🇹Austria, which this week became the first European country to lock down the unvaccinated, will hold talks over a full federal shutdown on Friday.

The states of Salzburg and Upper Austria will enter a month-long full lockdown next week

📈In France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, cases remain low but are rising.

Germany recorded 65,371 new cases – another record – with a week-long rate of 336.9 per 100,000 people, slightly more than the UK's

❓So will we end up in another lockdown?

When Boris Johnson talked of storm clouds gathering over continental Europe last week he implied the UK could also be next.

But most experts think this unlikely

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"To force a lockdown on the country when it was unvaccinated was one thing; to do so when most people are jabbed would be reprehensible" | Telegraph view

🔎Read more on the fourth wave of coronavirus engulfing Europe here 👇…

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