Sooz Kempner is doing Edinburgh and then a tour Profile picture
"Comedian" DOOM in @bbcdoctorwho. Host @mysteryontherox @thequeenpod. Agents: @ryanioscoholmes @gag_reflex @TheJonesesVoice

Nov 21, 2021, 7 tweets

Oh my goodness we're just a couple of weeks away from the start of my favourite bit of Christmas: reading articles about winter wonderlands that are fucking shit.

"It's been hard enough for kids this year and they were really looking forward to this but it turned out to just be a burger van in a car park and bloke in a Santa costume off of Amazon. Kids are still crying I am disgusted"

"Santa's elves were just women who didn't speak English in elf costumes from Ann Summers. The Santa had dirty white trainers on and stank of cigarettes. It was £45 for the whole family and when I asked for a refund the Santa just laughed but not in a 'ho ho ho' way. Disgusted"

"We'd been told to expect reindeer in the local paper but I reckon it was just someone's dog. The kids got bitten by the dog. We paid £60 for the whole family but the burgers from the van were £12 each. Disgusted"

COVID robbed me of this joy last year so I'm gonna take double helpings for 2021!

A classic from 2014!

A disappointing winter wonderland from 2017.

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