Jeremy Klar Profile picture
PM in gaming |Diver of Data |Practicioner of MMA | Explorer of Kabaddi

Nov 22, 2021, 19 tweets

Alright! Who wants to take a look at how NFT's fared in the recent Bear market and which did the best? (Thread 🧵👇) (1/19)

First, I wanted to find a list that had enough NFT's to be able to do a decent analysis and make sure they were of high enough quality to be as meaningful -- so I worked off @Zeneca_33 's list. (Also HUGE thanks to @alisinclair85 for helping get the tx num's for each) (2/19)

I then put this list into @DuneAnalytics and started digging in (Link to sheet is here:… ) Also, based NFT queries off @Smaroo -- check his dune out, he's awesome! (3/19)

First I wanted to decide where exactly the bear market started-- so here is the % change in eth for all of the NFT's from that list by date. Right around Oct 19/20 was the start of the Bear imo (Link to Chart:…) (4/19)

This lines up with the mooning of ETH crossing $4k. -- so makes sense. I chose a date to measure the 'before' at 10/16-- slightly arbitrary but wanted it a bit away from where things got super volatile. (Link to Chart:…) (5/19)

As for the end of these dark times-- Nov 14/15 was when we went on the up and up! Used the 15th as the end of the bear (Link to chart:…) (6/19)

So 🥁🥁🥁, which NFT's did the best? (7/19)...

Number 1: Congrats @ZssBecker and @NeoTokyoProject -- you guys simply dominated the bear market (over 100%!) (8/19)

Number 2: @BossBeautiesNFT , you guys are boss ass-- #2 in riding out the bear with a 93% gain! (9/19)

Number 3: @CryptoMories You guys went up 68% during the vicious bear market! Congrats (10/19)

Number 4 is #MAYC from @BoredApeYC ...congrats! (#BAKC is number 6 as well!) (11/19)

As for the biggest losers 😢... (12/19)

@FlyFrogsNFT @nahfungiblebone @BullsOnTheBlock sadly the bear was rough (I own some of these too, so I'm with you!). There is good news ahead though! (Full list of performance is here…) (13/19)

So Macrotrends for NFT's during the bear market-- what NFT's at certain starting prices did the best? TL;DR you want an NFT >1 ETH -- the more valuable they start, the more valuable they climb when the gettting's good! (Link to chart:…) (14/19)

How long have they been around? Probably correlates to price, but the longer an NFT has been in the market the safer it is during a downturn--Even 2 Months makes a difference! (Link to chart:…) (15/19)

To close, something else to note-- although the bear was obviously bad-- if you view back to fiat currency, it wasn't nearly as bad! ETH loss of this list was 77%, but USD loss was only 59% of NFT's- still bad but overall NFT's still hold reasonably well during a downturn (16/19)

Anyhow-- link to a dash with all the @DuneAnalytics i made is here… (still messy and has charts that are deprecated-- will clean up this week). Again thanks to @Zeneca_33 @alisinclair85 @ImChizx @Smaroo for help in various ways with this! (18/19)

I'm going to try to do this every week and add more data to NFT's to make more qualitative info, so hit me up with any idea's, issues with my dune data or thoughts on what to look at next! (19/19)

Apologies, @neotokyonewstv

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