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Nov 22, 2021, 11 tweets

During the Islamic invasions, there were countless, nameless Hindus who put their lives at stake to defend our temples & deities. In 1025 CE, the savage Mahmud Ghazni raided Gujarat, plundering the Somnath temple & devastating many sacred icons & temples.

The Tabakat-I-Nasiri by Minkaj-i-Siraj describes the earliest Islamic raids of Ghazni in detail including his attacks on Somnath. The book narrates a brief but fascinating account of a brave, unknown Hindu who played a role in the story.

Mahmud plundered immense booty worth 2 million dinars from Somnath & broke the Jyotirlinga into 4 pieces. The 1st piece to be buried under the masjid at Ghazni, the 2nd for the gateway of Mahmud’s palace & 3rd & 4th sent to Makkah and Madinah.

While returning from Somnath, Mahmud had to travel through the desert of the Great Rann of Kutchh to reach Sindh quickly. His army needed a local guide to take them through the dangerous terrain. One day, a young Hindu man showed up volunteering to be the guide.

Triumphant with his destruction of Hindu temples & flushed with the blood of massacring thousands of Kafirs, an elated Mahmud & his army set off with the Hindu guide leading the way. After they had marched all night & day, they decided to halt out of exhaustion.

The troops began the search for fresh water with the guide but could not find any even after several hours of looking in the scorching heat. Frustrated, Mahmud called the Hindu guide & asked him why hadn’t he found water yet, even after so many hours.

The intense heat & sunlight had parched the throats of Ghazni’s army. Further delay meant certain death. Slowly the Hindu guide bowed in front of the Sultan & lifted his head with a mysterious smile. Mahmud was enraged & asked him what was so funny.

Eyes flashing, the Hindu guide sprang to his feet & shouted out: “I have devoted my life for my God Somnath, & I led you & your army into the most dangerous part of this desert, so that you may never find water & die here as stinking carcasses to be devoured by vultures.”

Mahmud's blood froze as he trembled with rage & immediately taking a sword to the Hindu's head immediately beheaded him. His army was forced to wait all night until next morning. They eventually did find water but not before several of Mahmud’s troops perished like flies.

Such nameless, faceless Hindus ensured that they avenged Dharma by sacrificing their very lives to try & stop the devastation of Islamic invasions. Their deeds are never found in history books, but Bhagwan Somnath remembers.


Book by Minhaj-i Siraj Juzjani

Available online at:…

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