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Interested in wild adventures, obscure tribes, & historical processes.

Nov 23, 2021, 5 tweets

Copper to Bronze Age Iberia paper discusses the apparent late 4th or early 3rd millennium BC migrations that spread Zagrosian-like (aka Iran_Neolithic or Ganj_Dareh) ancestry around the Mediterranean. Interestingly they explicitly exclude Minoan origin.…

In supplement they guess that ancestry might be from Italian groups. Would have to be southern Italy origin if they are right since Etruscans didn't have the Zagrosian-like ancestry:

While Indo-European male lineages (R1b-P312) in Iberia almost completely replaced of those of their predecessors, about the same number of men & women migrated to Iberia during the invasion(s) in the 23rd century BC.

More evidence confirming that Thucydides was right, and that the Sicanians were from Iberia - their men have same haplogroup lineage:

ZAP002 was foreign man from ~1750-1550 BC & was buried with locals in Almeria. He had ancestry characteristic of N Africa in addition to Indo-European & Mediterranean (Sicilian? S Italian?) EEF ancestry. More evidence for IE migration to N Africa.

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