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Doctor Endocrinologist - explains the handle सत्यं ज्ञानम् अनन्तं explains everything else

Nov 23, 2021, 7 tweets

Short thread of some Deccan rock cuts at darasuram. This is a depiction of kannappa nayanar at - kirata rupam - bow leather drape leather strapped footwear

rudraksha in hands

Contrast with nandikeshwara on the other side sword in hand bare foot

Importantly the Siva saayujyam down to the single left earring and the third eye - not to speak of the ornaments and weapons
( Note the distinction between the rishaba and nandi that is clearly made out in these temples

Such a beautiful ganga.. note the sharp taper of the nose

Her beautiful sari weaves the kalasha with spout

And lastly this depiction of sharadha - here with the chin mudra (c.f GKC ) and kumbha aksha mala and books

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