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Job: Data-Driven Strategist. Side Job: Commentator on US Politics/Economics. Gig: MC & Speeches. Created: #EconomicStressIndex.

Nov 23, 2021, 6 tweets

State of Maine is in the Top 10 for Coronavirus Vaccination Rates in the US.

Their current 7-day average of new cases is triple the level of the same dates last year and it is highest it has been during the outbreak.

The 7-day average of new Coronavirus DEATHS in highly-vaccinated Israel is now the same it has been this week last year without a vaccine.

The 7-day average of new Coronavirus cases in highly-vaccinated Vermont is now the worst it has ever been, and it is a few times higher than the same week last year.

The state also suffered now its 2 worst weeks of Coronavirus cases among vaccinated people.

NY is of the highest C19 states in the US. Its current 7-day average of new Coronavirus deaths is slightly worse than it was last year without a vaccine.

I know. “Delta.”

You can either double down or you can start focusing more on care for infected people via use of MAB etc.

Gone unnoticed is that Washington, of the Top 10 C19 vaccinated states, had its worst run for new Coronavirus deaths in late September into October, and its current 7-day average of new deaths is higher than it was the same week last year.

Virigina, the 10th best C19 vaccinated US state, has now almost the identical number of new COVID deaths as they did the same dates last year.

Louisiana, which is of the least vaccinated states, has now less than a third of new COVID deaths than it had this week last year.


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