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We are Jews, immigrants & allies taking direct action to stop violence and persecution against immigrants. We fight to end deportation, detention, and ICE.

Nov 23, 2021, 7 tweets

You're going to want to read this @washingtonpost investigation on Trump's ICE contracts.

And then you're going to want to join our campaign to make sure @SecMayorkas immediately cancels them all.

The 287(g) program is a dream for Trumpists: the intersection of discriminatory policing and anti-immigrant persecution.

Trump widely expanded the program--and expanded the ability of local sheriffs to abuse immigrants.

Joe Biden promised to end these contracts when he was a candidate.

But as president...him and @SecMayorkas haven't kept their word.

Which means they're forcing immigrants to contend with life under the program--even though they could immediately cancel the entire 287(g) program TODAY.

We think cancelling the program is the bare minimum for @SecMayorkas and @JoeBiden.

That's why we've been taking action to make sure all eyes are on this betrayal.

Are you ready to join us to win this fight?

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