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Sustainable business entrepreneur. Advisor to multinational firms around the world. Advocate for pragmatic, fact-based environmentalism. For work, see LinkedIn.

Nov 23, 2021, 7 tweets

It’s worth trying to sit through this whole clip and then estimating how many brain cells in your head died during the process.

It’s the end, if you can make it that far. It’s amazing.

Imagine being a grown up and finding yourself on the radio with a straight face talking about Peppa and Daddy Pig as role models and someone who just embarrassed your country to the world, again, being a great communicator, or writing tweets like this when you are over 16.

Minor point but Andrea Leadsom is such a huge fan of Peppa Pig that she thinks she’s a bloke. I can’t cope. Goodnight x

“He is without any question one of the world’s greatest communicators.”

[Andrea Leadsom, Nov 2021]

This is a communicator.
And a message.

Enough of all this drivel.

The morning fan mail is in. 🤡

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