Phil Magness Profile picture
Economic historian @independentinst. I do data analysis about policy, past & present. Opinions are my own. RT =/= endorse.

Nov 24, 2021, 9 tweets

It's starting to look as if a 1619 Project contributor plagiarized another author by cribbing her article and making cosmetic modifications to its text.…

Here's Kruse a few years ago specifically touting the page in question:

Here's the original article he cribbed from, by Elizabeth Fowler in the NYT:

Here is a textual comparison showing direct borrowing of Fowler's text, with minor cosmetic modifications to change a few words and the ordering of quotes:

Here's the 2002 plagiarism case against Stephen E. Ambrose, who got caught doing something almost identical:

And here is the American Historical Association's definition and example of what constitutes plagiarism, also showing a close resemblance to what Kruse did.

But you be the judge.…

For another famous plagiarism incident that looks an awful lot like what Kruse did here, see Doris Kearns Goodwin:…

And for further reference, here is Kruse's own take on plagiarism:

The tweet above by Kruse was in reference to the David Clarke plagiarism allegations in 2017. Clarke's offense sounds an awful lot like what Kruse did here too.…

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