Citizen Speedman 🦊 he/himself Wokerati Profile picture
avoid eir.

Nov 24, 2021, 10 tweets

PCR Availability - what happened last night?

In this thread I'm going to show you in reverse what happened last night with a series of availability snapshots.

First where we are at 10:03, which is the worst I've seen. Essentially no availability except in connaught.

This scale of depletion is the strongest yet in the 2 weeks I have been tracking it. It happened nearly. At 9:50...

at 8:20...

That was the situation at breakfast time. That remarkably strong loss of availability was already set in stone 7 hours earlier however (and the HSE knew it).

Here is the picture at 51 minutes past midnight, when 19k was added. Already significantly down.

This fall in availability was dramatic and sudden just after midnight, when again the HSE systems suffered system outages for the second time in 15 hours.

Here is 34 minutes past midnight. Better availability across the east and the west coast, but already significantly down

Here at 0:21. notice the volatility - this is due to massive parallel attempts to book slots. So many being booked in the south that availability actually rises after those booking are complete and slots temporarily held back from being offered to others are released.

Due to this volatility, it hard to get a picture of how many slots are free, but the picture is clear. A massive surge from midnight saw an enormous reduction in availability. By 0:21 there are just 12k left out of 19k.

I'd be very surprised in Paul Reid was not called.

This is the earliest data I have at 4 minutes past midnight. This should all be green, but already we cn see very significant depletion. in fact about 3.5k appointments are no longer available at this point and the system has once again called over to the general public.

for backward reference

*falled over - the system has in effect has a denial of service attack and is unable to serve end users

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