Andrew Stroehlein Profile picture
No longer active on X. Find me here: European Media & Editorial Director, Human Rights Watch.

Nov 24, 2021, 6 tweets

Covid deaths are increasing the fastest in countries with the lowest vaccination rates.

Why are the EU, UK and a few others DELIBERATELY BLOCKING wider production of vaccines globally?

#PeoplesVaccine please!

New @TheIndPanel report: ……

✅ EU leaders know vaccines work. Good.

✅ EU leaders keep reminding us that vaccines work. Good.

⁉️ So, why are EU leaders DELIBERATELY BLOCKING wider production of vaccines globally?

This is no way to deal with a GLOBAL pandemic...

The current global vaccine shortage impacts us all...

We would all benefit from wider production of vaccines around the world.

EU leaders need to stop blocking it.

"Wealthy governments and pharmaceutical companies are undermining a rapid and equitable public health response to Covid-19 vaccines, therapeutic drugs, and tests."

Read more:…

December will mark the 1st anniversary of the launch of the global vaccination campaign against coronavirus...

Only... hasn't been global, has it?

Report from @TheEIU:…

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