Crypto MM Profile picture
Mainly charting #Bitcoin and $Eth. NFA.

Nov 24, 2021, 9 tweets

Honestly, I don’t know whether to be scared or excited right now. MM has us all on the edge of our seats. Whatever happens next is going to be huge.

My bet is on the upside. The only true question for me is will they do a big fake out to the downside first.

November 2017 vs November 2021

Something gives me the feeling that those who are scorning Plan B will have their mouths shut

If something like the above does play out then make sure to take profits on your Alt positions as Bitcoin Dominance might come into play and fully wreck them

Be careful with your alts. Bitcoin Dominance has swept the lows and is looking somewhat strong

The only alts I wouldn’t mind being in are any metaverse coins that havent gone parabolic recently. I think Bitcoin is set to strike back against all other alts though. That includes Eth.

Bitcoin Dominance going up but Bitcoin is holding. Alts are dropping. Alt season is over - just as i thought it might be

I’m taking some profits on my alt positions. Happy to re-enter when it looks like the coast is clear. No one ever lost by taking profit

Bitcoin looks fine. It’s just alts im being wary of. Just because Bitcoin goes up does not automatically mean alts do too. The MM has to rotate their liquidity

Looks like Bitcoin Dominance is losing this low now and yesterday wasn’t a fake out. Looks like Alt Season might run until BTC Dom hits 41 and creates a triple bottom.

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