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Nov 24, 2021, 7 tweets

1/5 Secret trend based time fib for $BTC that helped me make actual cash. If i'm really honest. helped me 10x my trading account. Following alpha... #Bitcoin

This timefib was very accurate 0.382 was the bottom. 0.618 was the top.
these 4h candles were bang on at the exactly reversals.

3/5 1 was a dud. it was a pump to 1 point idk. I was planning to short it but when we got there the environment was so bullish that I ended up longing a dip... It was an important moment though so I didn't forget about it...

4/5 1.382 also produced a 'bottom' that was pretty short lived. The bottom was in the 8 hours that followed it.

5/5 We are about 10 hours from the next one. I think something is going to happen and I personally think that because of the bullish divergence on the daily that we will go up. I'm increasingly bearish on higher timeframes so but i want to get to 78-80k i think we have the juice.

... might be fuckin wrong and dump hard. but we shall see. Last photo is the time fibs on the daily. GL

We back. Time fib on. From daily open the wick down was 0.21% and from daily open we are 3% up. The first two were on the time and the 1.382 was the reversal point. I believe that we bottomed but idk futures expiration and all that... $BTC #Bitcoin

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