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Nov 24, 2021, 9 tweets

16 Years Ago I Was Stranded in the Sahara Desert

4 rules kept me alive.


After university, I spent 6 months backpacking through Europe and the Middle East.

On a 3 day trip into the Sahara, our vehicle hit soft sand and came to a dead stop.

The back tires spun deeper and deeper

Determined to dig their own grave

No phone service.

Limited resources.

No help for miles.

A worthy challenge.

Rule 1: Don't Ever, Ever Give Up

After the gravity of our situation sunk in we made a plan.

We would dig, and dig, and dig

- with our frisbees
- with our bare hands
- with whatever it took to break free.

Rule 2: Work Together or Die Alone

My traveling companion and I were 3 months into a 6-month trip.

We were sick of each other.

Being stuck made us realize how grateful we were -

For our friendship.
For our lives.
For everything.

Rule 3: Enjoy Life

Between digging we joked around.

We climbed sand dunes.

We thought about what a great last day this would make if it proved to be our last.

Look around you.

This is all going to end one day.

Enjoy the hell out of it while you are here.

Rule 4: Don't Ignore the Small Things

After hours of digging, we realized that the 4 wheel drive had not been fully engaged.

My breath caught in my throat.

We hoped.

We cursed.

We laughed.

Then we flipped the switch and kept moving.

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3) breathe deep and enjoy today

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