Andric Profile picture
Software product designer and developer. Striving to build software that’s pragmatic, ergonomic, and collaborative. Building

Nov 24, 2021, 24 tweets

Trying out the wombo dream app, ended up generating some interesting images!

Aurora over snowy hills

Laura Palmer in the black lodge

“Blue moon… you saw me standing alone”

Blue Moon, reprise

Cherry Pie

Laura Palmer

Dale Cooper

Dale Cooper II

David Lynch Eats a Cheesecake

Jony Ive designs a car

Dyson designs a spaceship

Cancer Factory

Jungle Temple I

Jungle Temple II

Robot Cat Stalking Midtown Manhattan, 31st Century

Ancient Robot Helmet

Baby (as a) Robot

Baby Robot

“This is my jam”

The owls… are not what they seem

Black Lodge

Hiro Protagonist in the Metaverse

The AI is surprisingly good at generating aesthetically pleasing (if somewhat impressionistic!) art.

Have a feeling it’s doing a Google image search and then applying some kind of style transform to it afterward.

It works best (unsurprisingly) on anything Twin Peaks.

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