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Father of two girls. Traveling the world to expose gender ideology and why children cannot consent to medical transition. Donate:

Nov 25, 2021, 13 tweets

There’s no such thing as a trans kid.

Ignoring that ideological bias of the authors, at least they are advocating for more caution and assessment of these children.

Transition is something people do, not something they are, and it’s for adults.

Imagine doing no psychological assessment before blocking puberty in a child or giving them opposite-sex hormones.

Johanna Olson-Kennedy, a pediatrician at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, is skeptical of therapy requirements and gives hormones to children as young as 12.

She’s a child abuser.

There’s always something else going on: autism, trauma, eating disorder/body image concerns, self-esteem, depression, or anxiety.

Social media has an enormous influence.

Yet we medicalize immediately, harming children for life? This is sick.

Involve parents? Yes, please.

Perhaps the World Professional Association for Transgender Health should take a more active approach, and start telling school districts to stop hiding a child’s new trans identity from their own parents!

Criminally sloppy and lazy ‘medical care.’

Every gender clinic should place everything on hold until they’ve done a thorough assessment of their practices vs evidence-based best practices.

We KNOW that 80 - 90% of children outgrow traditional gender dysphoria.

Many [criminal] paediatric endocrinologists openly discuss how they use adult informed-consent models of care with their teen patients, which almost always means no mental health involvement and sometimes no parent input.

Children Cannot Consent to Puberty Blockers and Hormones!

A.J. Eckert of @AnchorHealthCT says that children are best equipped to make decisions about their own body.

Oh okay, who needs parents?

He says being trans is not a pathology. Gender dysphoria is in the DSM-5, but radicals think ‘trans’ is a set identity from birth.

There have never been any clinical studies into this treatment for healthy adolescents.

Not one. Our children are guinea pigs.

Are we to believe that for the first time in human history a pharmaceutical drug is needed to help a child be their authentic self?

It’s not a conservative agenda.

Half my supporters are leftists. Half are conservative. The other half are feminists. (Yes, I know that’s three halves.)

Biology belongs to no political party.

It’s impossible for practitioners in this field to have objectivity when they come at it from an ideological belief that some children are ‘born in the wrong body.’

Treat gender dysphoria with watchful waiting and therapy. Leave physical transition to adults. Let kids be kids.

Author’s note:

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