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PhD (Biology) | Ambedkarite☸ | 🕉 Mani Padme Hum☸💙🧘‍♀️📿

Nov 25, 2021, 10 tweets

6. Not Enough Is Outward Washing☸💙🧘‍♀️📿

Once the Exalted One☸ was dwelling at Shravatsi.

And the Brahmin Sangarava also dwelt there.

Now he was a cleanser by water, and practised cleansing by water.

Night and day he abode given to the habit of going down to bathe.


Now the venerable Ananda, robing himself at an early hour and taking outer robe and bowl, went forth to Shravatsi to beg.

And when he had gone his rounds in Shravatsi and had eaten his meal, upon his return, he went to the Exalted One☸, saluted Him, and sat down on one side.


So seated, the venerable Ananda said:

“Lord, there is here one Sangarava, a Brahmin, dwelling at Shravatsi, a cleanser by water, one who practises cleansing by water.

Night and day does he abide given to the habit of going down to bathe.


Well were it, Lord, if the Exalted One☸ would pay a visit to the Brahmin Sangarava, out of compassion for him.”

And the Exalted One☸ consented by His silence.

So next day at an early hour, the Exalted One☸ robed Himself and taking outer robe and


bowl went to the dwelling of the Brahmin Sangarava, and when He☸
got there He☸ sat down on a seat made ready.

Then the Brahmin Sangarava came to the Exalted One☸ and greeted Him☸, and after the exchange of mutual courtesies sat down on one side.


As he thus sat, the Exalted One☸ said this to the Brahmin Sangarava:

“Is it true, Brahmin, as they say, that thou art a cleanser by water, that thou dost practise cleansing by water, abiding night and day given to the habit of going down to bathe?”


“True it is, Master Gotama.”

“Now, Brahmin, seeking what profit dost thou so practise the habit of going down to bathe, and so forth?”

“It is in this way, Master Gotama. Whatsoever evil I do by day, I get it washed away that very evening by my bathing.


That is the profit I am looking for in being a cleanser by water
and so forth.”

Then said the Exalted One☸:

“The Norm is the pool. It is clear and undefiled.”


“Hither when they have come to bathe, the masters of the lore, are cleansed in every limb, and pass unto the Further Shore.”


Whereupon the Brahmin Sangarava said to the Exalted One☸:

“Excellent it is, Master Gotama. May the Master Gotama accept me as His follower, from this day forth so long as life doth last, as one who has taken refuge in Him.”


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