Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 Profile picture
Father of two girls. Traveling the world to expose gender ideology and why children cannot consent to medical transition. Donate:

Nov 25, 2021, 9 tweets

Trans rights are human rights!

Yes, they are. That’s rather obvious. Humans get human rights. Your point is what, exactly?

These are Ottawa university students who came to silence speech they don’t like, and don’t understand.

Leave our city! Leave our city!

How about no. That’s not how our free society works, younglings.

I’ll be back a few times each year, too. Until the glorious day the gender clinics in Canada stop sterilizing our youth

I can barely move as I’m being mobbed, so I ask the police officer to tell them to stop, and he says they’re not blocking my movement. 😆

I get punched in the head by some guy from behind. You can see a young woman gasp right after. Then I get punched again. Police just watch.

Someone painted the sign on my back as I was walking. Pink paint. My fave. I didn’t even know. I stopped when I got yanked on, and I think they flipped it around, wrecking my blazer.

It was getting unruly and police clearly weren’t going to take control so I was about done.

Young woman who had gasped earlier when I was hit in the head, is practicing her university art by vandalizing my jacket with a sharpie. ‘F U’ it said. Low marks for lack of creativity.

Her friend was doing the same, and then gives a little punch. Universities are a mess.

These university students have no idea what I represent. This is a huge indictment of Canadian universities today.

Discussion is not allowed. They’re indoctrinated and want to stay that way. Violence, pushing, punching, and spitting is what they brought.

This is what @cathmckenna @JLeiper @cmckenney and a host of other politicians all cheered on and celebrated in the press.

Do they want children getting sterilized, suffering from osteopenia, getting body parts cut off, and experiencing anorgasmia for life?

More mayhem. I didn’t know where my brave friends @ShannonBDouglas and @ChanLPfa were, and I was trying to get the sign off my back but it had been twisted around.

People started throwing junk at me, and this finishes off with destruction of property.

I’ll be back.

You all haven’t stopped a thing.

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