Simon Wardley Profile picture
💚+❤️🇺🇳 I like ducks, they're fowl but not through choice. Thought Lord. Lives in a swamp. Painted by AI. Born 321 ppm CO₂.

Nov 26, 2021, 7 tweets

X : Why are you looking at building a Wardley Mapping foundation?
Me : Hmmm. Ok, to explain this I need to use the map of mapping.

Competition is the act of "seeking together" i.e. groups seeking knowledge, resource or something. There are many forms of competition i.e. conflict (fighting together), cooperation (working together), collaboration (labouring together) ...

Hence on a single map, there maybe areas where I conflict with others and collaborate with others ...

Now, we can also map culture ...

And we can take ideas from that map of culture and apply to a physical map to describe sovereignty and borders ...

We can also take those ideas from the culture map and apply to an economic map to describe digital sovereignty ...

Applying those concepts to the map of mapping simply helps highlight what matters for the community, what we need to protect and hence why we will need eventually a foundation.

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