Simon Wardley Profile picture
💚+❤️🇺🇳 I like ducks, they're fowl but not through choice. Thought Lord. Lives in a swamp. Born 321 ppm CO₂. Grateful to still be here. Mapper.
98 subscribers
Dec 1 18 tweets 5 min read
X : What is the deep state?
Me : Depends. You have various conspiracy theory forms and then there's the general term used to describe networks of power operating outside traditional democratic processes. This includes the influence of corporate interests, financial bodies, think tanks, wealthy individuals, lobbysts firms and institutions on government policy. Why? X : Is Trump going to war on the deep state?
Me : I suspect you'll find that Trump brings his own corporate interests, financial bodies, think tanks, wealthy individuals, lobbysts firms and institutions that will have influence on government policy outside of the normal democratic process.
Nov 30 11 tweets 3 min read
X : Did you research healthcare investment?
Me : Back in 2023. A group of clinicians mapped multiple perspective of healthcare - including AI, clinical decision making, healthcare value chain - then we used those to determine where to invest from a societal and market benefit. Image Me : ... from the table, if your focus is on society then your priority for investment should be measurement of health outcomes (against Patient Reported Outcome Measures) and sharing of medical data. If you're after market growth then try personalised medicine and preventative healthcare.
Nov 29 26 tweets 8 min read
X : What is the most essential skill for AI in the future?
Me : Critical thinking in humans. Alas, we don't usually teach this at school because we're too focused on producing useful economic units.
X : Useful economic units?
Me : Turning humans into automatons for the workplace. X : Do you have evidence for this.
Me : I took a group of educational consultants, academics and teachers in 2023 and mapped out education from multiple perspectives ... purpose, micro-credentials, asynchronous & synchronous learning, learning models, social learning ...
Nov 7 13 tweets 3 min read
It amazes me that the most important metrics (lines of code, story points, cycle time, devex satisfaction) in development are the two that are never discussed, let alone measured ... mean time to answer (mttA) and mean time to question (mttQ). Whenever we start with building a system or managing a legacy environment, we need to ask questions and get answers. Those are skills which can be hindered or supported by the toolset around you ...
Sep 26 11 tweets 3 min read
X : Thoughts on a return to office policy?
Me : It happens for two basic reasons:-
1) loss of status symbols (top floor office etc). Many execs need these to say "I'm the boss"
2) headcount reduction (i.e. people will leave) due to a weakness in the finances.

Why? X : What about productivity and innovation?
Me : Those are "reasons" given but they're all bogus and don't stand up to scrutiny. However, there is a third.
X : Colloboration?
Me : Stranded assets - offices etc. No exec likes looking at an empty building they spent £300M on.
Sep 9 10 tweets 3 min read
X : Our strategy doesn't align with our business.
Me : How do you mean?
X : We create these strategy documents but they never really get implemented as the day to day business takes over.
Me : That's common. Can I ask a question?
X : Sure
Me : ... Me : Do you map?
X : I've heard of your technique but we don't use it.
Me : Ok, so your business operations is not based upon a map of the landscape?
X : No
Me : And your strategy is not based upon a map of the landscape?
X : No
Me : What made you think they would align?
Sep 5 20 tweets 5 min read
X : Why do you continue to use twitter / X?
Me : Because I like the tool and the crowd.
X : Do you support @elonmusk
Me : No. I disagree on many of his views.
X : He is far right.
Me : Perspective matters. US is generally more right wing & Silicon Valley especially so. X : What do you mean by "Perspective matters"?
Me : Elon's views are not that unusual for Silicon Valley - . There's a lot of support based upon a different view of economics and government.
X : Different?
Me : Different from Europe.…
Aug 23 19 tweets 5 min read
X : What do you need to do in order to map a business?
Me : Ask ...
1) "Who are the users?" (at the least, include consumers and the business)
2) "What are their needs?"
3) "What is the chain of components required to meet those needs?"
4) "How evolved are those components?"
... Me : Once you have done that, allow others to challenge it. Even better, build the map with others. It really is that simple.
X : But creating a map is difficult.
Me : Only to those used to making decisions without understanding users, needs, the supply chain etc.
May 9 8 tweets 2 min read
dX: How do you deal with strategy?
Me: First, we need to answer the Where question, which depends a lot on the what and why.
dX: And?
Me: Ok, some very simple steps ... Step 1: Visualise your environment. That means getting people to discuss, collaborate & challenge in order to create a "good enough" map of your environment. Should be a couple of hours.
Step 2: Look at what's changing which is competitor moves, your moves & economic patterns.
May 5 17 tweets 4 min read
Those born in the 1890s experienced electrification, telephone, radio, television, nuclear age, penicillin, two world wars, commercial flight, computer age and a moon landing. By the 60s we had AI, VR and 3D printing.

Today, we have the internet / www and have improved stuff. Is it me, or is human progress slowing down? Great breakthroughs, moments of change, and radical transformations seem like a thing of the past. What we call "revolutions" in industry today seems mostly a marketing slogan.
Mar 25 5 tweets 2 min read
No surprises, this was clearly signalled back in 2015.

During this decade has the US disentangled its reliance on China in the semiconductor industry?

I'll let you guess. We will be entering a phase in which the US high-tech industry (including the military complex) is highly dependent upon China, whilst China is not dependent upon the US.
Mar 5 15 tweets 5 min read
A couple of prompts with Claude 3 creates a Wardley Map for economic sovereignty in the defence space.

Not bad at all -

On par with political, military and defence folk I've spoken to. I'm also finding I can have a reasonable discussion about mapping with Claude…Image It's not perfect but it's not bad. There's more I want to interrogate Claude over ... i.e. the link to secure sourcing, the positioning of some components etc. But it's almost good enough that I can start a discussion over strategy and investment.
Feb 28 9 tweets 2 min read
dX: What is the single most significant problem facing AI today? Safety? Lack of skills? Inertia?
Me: Overinflated expectations by the business. dX: You don't think AI will become widespread?
Me: Of course, it will; industrialised components are rapidly becoming cost of doing business. Don't confuse that with expectations. There will be an awful lot of disappointed businesses hoping it would create some advantage.
Feb 16 7 tweets 2 min read
For those who don't know, I'm working increasingly on and with Glamorous Toolkit - ... I have become fascinated by our willingness to blame humans for problems that are created by our toolsets ... I saw this last night at Cloud Camp. Apparently, the issues with understanding, explainability and observability in AI are down to humans' inability to deal with complex environments... no, they're not. The problem is with the tools and the type of tools we are creating ...
Feb 2 7 tweets 2 min read
dX: Have you thought about adding another axis for your maps
Me: Hmmm. Maps start with identifiers users and their needs ... Image ... the understanding the chain of components needed ... Image
Jan 18 15 tweets 3 min read
Faulty products, harm to users, executives profiteering, fighting compensation ... what is truly bizarre about the Fujitsu Horizon case is that the public seems to think that this is an isolated example rather than the normal way that traditional corporations act. Just take a look into any industry, pick something like retail with BNPL (by now pay later) to EWA (earned wages access) to use of slave labour. It's story after story of despicable behaviour, of exploitation of both workers and consumers in pursuit of profit.
Jan 13 8 tweets 3 min read
dX: Any thoughts on cell based structures?
Me: Do you mean, "use small teams" i.e. take a map and break it into small teams?
dX: Yes
Me: It's in my doctrine table, I've been doing this for 18+ years, I think it's a good idea ... BUT ..
dX: But?

Me: You really want to get the basics done first, like understanding your users, their needs, the components involved, etc.
dX: Can't we just add cells?
Me: And the cells will magically fix the org for you without any work? Sounds like some McKinsey ppt. I would start with the basics.

Jan 11 18 tweets 4 min read
Let's hope that before becoming entangled in a more extensive conflict, we have thoroughly contemplated not only territorial aspects but the wider technological, economic, social, and political landscapes. It is crucial to pay attention to supply chains from energy supplies to agriculture to rare earths -> To give you an idea, around 21% of automotive parts ship through that region and though there are alternative paths, some perishable goods might not survive the journey. Land-based shipments have problems because of other existing conflicts.
Jan 9 13 tweets 4 min read
dX: Do you use Cynefin?
Me: I find it useful.
dX: Can I replace your evolution axis with ...
Me: Complex, complicated ...
dX: Yes
Me: No
dX: Why? Let us take a map. A user has some need met by some capability for which there are three competing solutions, all at different stages of evolution in the product space ... e.g. it could be power production and micronuclear vs tidal power vs solar Image
Jan 2 8 tweets 2 min read
Choices, choices ... when your existing system of power is under threat you can either

a) adapt


b) double down on reinforcing existing power structures through fear of others, of change etc.

"I only have one rule. Everyone fights" Johnny Rico. In other words, when the ruling power (and its agency) is under threat then the tendency is to double down on "threat from others", that sense of belonging to a collective (which has mostly been ignoring you) and concerns over safety -> Image
Dec 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Looking forward to reading this. I don't know the deets yet. Fingers crossed they went with the proposals giving exemptions for open source. By that, I mean actually open source - including training data - and not pretending to be open with a subset of the symbolic instructions. Otherwise, it'll be game, set and match to China shortly ->
btw ... minor quibble. China's generative AI laws came out on the 15th of August.