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A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

Nov 26, 2021, 6 tweets

“Climate agenda is an extension of colonial mindset only - environment debate is being hijacked by he flag-bearers of this mindset only” PM @narendramodi

“Breaking India forces are working at the behest of these very forces with colonial mindset - they are creating impediments in the path to progress” PM @narendramodi

PM has said something that has not been said in very long time- he basically indicated that propaganda is being used to derail projects of national importance & courts also dither on giving the judgements. Very important point by PM @narendramodi-Chardham Highway is one such case

PM revisited phrase “colonial mindset” several times during his Constitution Day speech attended by SC judges and lawyers. I implore u to chk attached holiday calendar to arrive at the conclusion about the flag-bearer of colonial mindset in post 47India!

Here is the calendar - notable are :
1) long summer breaks to facilitate escape of colonial era judges to cooler British climate during hot Indian summers (orange shade)
2) 10 days Xmas holidays VS 5 days Diwali holidays!


If this plainspeak cannot open eyes of SC, then nothing else can or will

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